Thursday, September 27, 2012

Knowing the Dietary Fiber

illustration of dietary fiber
In my previous articles, I have often mentioned the word fiber, fiber that we will discuss is dietary fiber.   According to the American Association of Cereal Chemist (AACC, 2001), dietary fiber is the edible parts of plants or analogous carbohydrates that are resistant to digestion and absorption in the small intestine with complete or partial fermentation in the large intestine.

Dietary fiber is the part of food that can not be digested by digestive fluid (enzymes), so it does not produce energy or calories. Dietary fiber is included in the class of carbohydrates consisting of cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin and gum. Cellulose and hemicellulose is to be found in the rice bran, nuts, and nearly all fruits and vegetables.

Dietary fiber found in many of our daily diet such as fruits, vegetables, and cereals, such as rice, wheat, maize, and sorghum. Based on the solubility, dietary fiber can be grouped into two, namely:
  • Soluble dietary fiber. The soluble fiber is including pectin, gum, musilase, and some hemilselulosa because it can dissolve in hot water. These fibers found in many fruits, vegetables and cereals, while the gum, found in many Acacia
  • Insoluble dietary fiber. Cellulose, lignin and some other hemilselulosa are insoluble in water. These fibers found in many vegetables, fruits and nuts.
In the past, dietary fiber is only considered to be non-available energy source and is only known to have a laxative effect stomach. However, various studies have reported an association between fiber intake and the incidence of emergence of various diseases including colon cancer, cardiovascular disease, and obesity. Here are a few examples of the benefits of consuming dietary fiber : 

Preventing constipation
Dietary fiber increases the mass and size of the stool and make it soft, so it is more easily removed and lowers your risk of difficult bowel movements. On average, people in Asia and Africa more frequent bowel movements than those of Europe and America. This shows an indication of fiber consumption in Asia and Africa higher.

Reduce the risk of digestive disorders
A diet high in fiber can reduce your risk of specific disorders such as hemorrhoids, irritable bowel or wound with a lump in the colon (diverticulitis).

Helping in lose weight
High-fiber foods generally absorbed more slowly, allowing time for your body to adjust when you are full, it can keep you full longer, so you avoid overeating. And also, high-fiber diets also provide fewer calories. As I said, complex carbohydrates usually contain a lot of fiber.

Lowering blood cholesterol levels and prevent heart disease
Insoluble fiber can help lower total cholesterol levels in the blood by lowering the levels of LDL or bad cholesterol. Decrease in cholesterol levels in the blood reduces the likelihood of blockage of coronary arteries that lead to coronary heart disease.

Controlling blood sugar levels
Fiber, particularly soluble fiber, can slow the absorption of sugar, for diabetic patients, the fiber may fix blood sugar levels. High fiber diet can also lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Preventing colon cancer
The presence of dietary fiber in the feces causing feces can absorb a lot of water so that it make a large volume and a soft texture. The existence of a large volume of stool for intestinal contraction will accelerate faster bowel movements. Large stool with soft texture can dilute the carcinogenic compounds (cancer triggers) contained therein, so that its concentration is much lower. Thus will occur contact between carcinogenic substances with a low concentration of the large intestine, and this contact takes place in a shorter time, thus not allowing the formation of cancer cells.

Compacting muscle
High fiber vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, and spinach, contains a subtance called indoles. Indoles may slightly reduce the level of estrogen in males and slightly increased levels of testosterone. this will make the muscles look harder and denser, and a better protein synthesis for muscle formation.

Seeing the many benefits of fiber, making us are obliged to seek the intake of foods which in high fiber. High fiber foods to be a daily needs that must be met by the body because without high-fiber foods, it will increase the risk of rising the disease, particularly gastrointestinal disorders. So,let's suffice the needs of dietary fiber, it will be your outset to be healthy.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Falling In Love and Health

the relationship between falling in love and health
Almost any adult ever fall in love. A feeling that can change our behavior magically. People who are in love often perform actions that are not reasonable. There's even a term "mad love", because often times people who are in love it does look like a crazy person, such as a smile or like daydreaming. However, do you know?, If love has many good effects for health? Here I describe the relationship between falling in love and health from my personal observations and my experiences (hehehe).
  • When falling in love, we like having more passion and energy into many times, especially when we will meet with our spouse. When falling in love, your body will produce adrenaline substances and causes the heart to beat faster, especially when we were near our partner, face to face, or physical contact.
  • Falling in love will spur our brain to produce a lot of dopamine, a hormone that causes a feeling of happiness, calm, and optimistic. It is very useful for health, as it will spur us smile more often and quickly relieve stress. In addition to dopamine, there are also chemical endorphins are produced when falling in love, prompting the emergence of a sense of joy. And it will spur to produce oxytocin, which is required for the release of DHEA, a hormone that increases anti-aging skin rejuvenation and body cells. So remember, a lot of smiles will make us look younger.
  • With fall in love, it will also nourish and educate the brain. In this case, the phrase "fool because of love" to be incorrect. Researchers at the University of Pavia found that falling in love can increase the levels of hormones that help improve memory and brain cell growth. When falling in love, we will always think about the strategy to look perfect when you meet a couple, and it is highly train your intelligence.
  • Falling in love makes us do not overeat. This will be useful in the process of weight loss. Our appetite seemed to be automatically limited, because we are more concerned with our partner rather than thinking about food. Falling in love can spur us to live healthier, we become more concerned with our physical appearance.
  • And if we pay more attention to our physical appearance, it will make our body more clean. Due to fall in love, we will be more diligent in taking care of themselves, be more diligent bathing and cleansing the body. Of course you do not want to look dirty and smell bad, don't you??
Those are some of my examples of the relationship between falling in love and health. For that for those of you who already have a partner, husband or wife, always keep your harmony, Keep always your love, although it has existed so long. And for those of you who have not found a partner ,immediately went to look for and pursue your love. Keep spirit :)

How To Read The Nutrition Facts

Illustration of Nutrition Facts
When we buy food or drinks packaged / processed, definitely there are a white label containing food nutrition data or called "nutrition facts". Currently, food manufacturers is required to include a list of food ingredients and nutrition facts in their products. Nutrition Facts provide information about food ingredients, herbs and chemicals in its food. The nutrition listed,written in sequence, according to weight. The most widely used nutrients listed first and the least written last.

I have many friends who asked me about how to read the "Nutrition Facts" data correctly. Indeed, there are still many people who do not know how to read the nutrition facts correctly. In fact, for those of you who want to start running a healthy lifestyle, it is important to know the nutrient content in the food, to make better decisions about the food we buy. Here I describe an example of how to read a nutrition facts:
An example of nutrition facts

1. Usually at the top of the nutrition facts, presented information serving size and serving per container. Serving size will indicate the portion or serving size recommended, while serving per container is the maximum amount of serving size. If you eat more or less than the recommended serving size, then the information on the nutrition label should be adjusted for the amount of nutrients you consume. For example, if you eat 2 times a portion of the serving size, the nutritional value of the information is also multiplied by 2.

2. In this section, the information included total energy (in calories) in one serving of food. Calories shows a measure of how much energy you get from a serving of food. Remember, that the number of servings you consume determines the number of calories you eat, if you eat 2 x serving size, the number of calories is also multiplied by 2. To determine the size of the high-calorie foods or not, can use the benchmark; 40 calories is low, 100 calories is moderate, and 400 calories or more is high.
There are also included calories from fat shows how many calories from foods that come from fat. Each gram of fat is worth 9 calories, you should consume a maximum of 3 grams of fat or 30 calories of fat per 100 calories of food.

3. This section contains the main information content in foods, such as fat, cholesterol, carbohydrates, fiber, sugar and protein. Beside it, there is a measure of the amount of nutrients in grams. And next to them again in the size of the data contained percent, percent of the data here is the percent of the total 2000 calories. For example, 50gram carb calories will meet the needs of 17% of 2000 calories. In general, the nutritional value of 5% is considered low, and a value of 20% is considered high.
  • Total Fat, shows how much good fats and bad fats. Good fats are: monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat, while bad fats are Saturated Fat and trans fat. Optimal fat intake of no more than 3 grams per 100 calories, and daily intake of bad fats should be no more than 10% of your daily calorie intake (less than 1 gram per 100 calories). When comparing foods, look at the amount of total fat, saturated fat and calories in each serving. Choose the least.
  • Cholesterol shows how many total cholesterol, which consists of good cholesterol (HDL) and bad cholesterol (LDL) in every serving. Consumption should not exceed 300 mg per day. Choose a product that at least the amount of cholesterol, and 0 is better.
  • Sodium (natrium), it would be better if the sodium consumed, no more than 2,400 mg per day. Choose a product that at least the amount of sodium.
  • Carbohydrate, it includes simple carbohydrates and sugars, complex carbohydrates and fiber. I recommend to choose high fiber carbohydrates, try to consume 20 and 35 grams of fiber per day. The higher the fiber content of a food product, the lower the sugar content.
  • Protein, this content is also one that should be considered in addition to carbohydrates and fats. if you buy dairy products, it would be great if the milk is high in protein and low in fat and sugar.
4. In the fourth section contains additional nutrients besides the main nutrients, namely vitamins and minerals. From here it is also the one you can tell if the food you choose poor nutrition or not. You also need to make sure the food you buy is not only contain of fat, carbohydrate or protein, but also contain vitamins and minerals that are useful for the body.

Yes, that's a brief explanation on how to read the nutrition facts. But indeed the majority of food products tailored to the needs of 2000 calories, while we have different calorie requirements vary. For that please adjust your dose your nutritional needs according to your calorie needs. And to see the content of the food that is not packaged, you can look at a page table of nutrition. Because knowing the food you eat, is your outset to be healthy. Hopefully useful :)

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Being Healthy is Not Enough Just By Praying

people praying for his healthy
Hopefully long life, is a common prayer being said when people celebrate birthday. Yes, everyone is looking forward to a healthy life for a long time, until we have a lot of grandchildren. But in my opinion, healthy lifestyle can not only be achieved just by praying. Life is indeed only to God, and health is a gift from Him. Clearly, health is something that we must guard through concrete actions. Indeed, one day we would have been called by God. But as I wrote in my first article, that the health is our precious treasure. A gift that should be treated well.

Health is like money, even more valuable. To get the money, we need to work, as well as health, must also work to get it. Is the money will come naturally if we just keep quiet in the room, and just prayed, "Lord I want to be rich"??. Likewise with health, can not come by itself. To get our money is often faced with the risk of losing. Likewise, to achieve health, There are also many difficulties and challenges that must be faced. Something that we should pray is, in order to our ways be smooth, the way to achieve health. Not that health can come into its own.

In this life, we have a lot of risk for death. In my opinion, there are 2 things, the risks from outside of us and within us. Examples of external risks such as traffic accidents, robbed, poisoned by man, was shot by criminals, struck by lightning, or other possibilities. As for the risk of in ourselves, is caused by our own actions, such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, renal failure, or lung disease. The disease appears, because we could not keep our own health. Here we can actually do to avoid the risk from within, is to maintain the health of ourselves. At a minimum, we can reduce one of the many risks.

I once said that health is our most precious wealth, more precious than gold or diamonds. If for to get the diamonds that we must work, moreover for health. But we must be thankful that God actually provides the means for us to be able to maintain our health. The ways that we can do easily, but we often do not notice it. Instead we often make it worse. Remember, being healthy is a choice, have to do with action, and not enough to pray alone.

Fun Activities To Burn More Calories

people who fell fun and happy
To make the body can burn more calories, can be done also with other activities besides sports. There are many fun activities to burn calories and make your body increase metabolism.

According CaloriesPerHour, to sing for 20 minutes, you can burn about 34 calories when singing while sitting or 45 calories when singing while standing. And the number of calories burned increase if we also increase the frequency and intensity of singing, also depends on the genre of music we sing. And this does not depend on whether we can sing good or not. When singing, we provide training to the lungs and diaphragm to work more intensely.

Yes, it's very enjoyable activity, such as hip-hop dance, breakdance, salsa, tango, or traditional dances were able to make the whole body moves. And this has an effect similar to gymnastics or aerobic activities, maybe it can be called as happy cardio :). Keeping your body in shape while having fun.

Watch a comedy or a funny show, and then make us laugh. Apparently it can burn more calories. Besides this way is a powerful way to relieve stress, laugh for 10 to 15 minutes per day can burn up to 50 calories. So, do not hesitate to hang out with friends who have a good sense of humor.

For those of you who like a natural recreation, especially hiking (like me, hehehe), perhaps this is a recreational activity that is draining a lot of energy, but all tired will pay off with a wonderful stunning view of nature. Hiking can burn up to 420 calories per hour.

Cleaning the house
Maybe some of you make house cleaning activities as an activities must be done every day, for the sake of cleanliness and comfort of your home. Cleaning the house for 30 minutes can burn as many calories your body up to 80 calories.

Apparently, cook for 30 minutes can burn calories 70 calories. It would be fun, burn calories while preparing nutrition will we eat. :)

This activity is an activity that the majority of the fans are women. Shopping it also has health benefits, the words "shopping till drop" appears to have positive effects as well. Shopping burn up to 250 calories per hour.

Playing with kids
Following the wishes of children is something that is tiring, especially playing with toddlers. Age where they are very active and they'll cry if we do not follow their wishes. But it would be nice if we remember the cuteness of the children and that it will burn more calories. :)

Making love
In addition to maintaining harmony between husbands and wives, routinely perform this activity for 30 minutes can burn calories around 150-350 calories. But the majority of couples can burn calories up to 300 calories.

During sleep, the body will burn more calories. That is when the repair activity of cells. Do exercise 3 hours before bed, so that cell repair activity also increases. But there is a condition; 3 hours before or after exercise, you also have to meet your nutritional needs, especially protein. It is important to meet the needs of your sleep, 7-8 hours a day.

That is the examples of fun activities that can burn more calories. By doing so, you come to know that healthy living can be done in a fun and not boring. So, be healthy :)

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Calories and Weight Loss

belly fat
Calories are units used to express the amount of energy. In general, calories used to indicate the amount of energy contained in food. Calories are burned and processed materials to produce energy everyday. Every person has different normal caloric needs according to their activities. an athlete has different caloric needs with a housewife or a teacher or a minister.

Therefore, the number of calories in food is required, to take into account the energy balance. So, to know about the relationship between calories and weight loss, here's what you need to know: "if the number of calories consumed is less than calories used, the weight will be reduced because the energy from the fat reserves will be used. Conversely, if the number of calories consumed is greater than calories used, the weight will increase. excess energy will be stored as fat. ". The excess fat can increase the risk of chronic disease. So if you are suffering from obesity and want to reduce levels of fat in the body, you have to use the theory above.

But there are things that must be considered in reducing the daily calorie intake, do not reduce your calorie intake is excessive!, Because this will only damage your body. For example, we use the example of the general caloric needs, which is 2000 calories, we can restrict only 1800 calories, do not cut back to only 1000 calories. Lack of calories, it makes the body do not want to burn fat, because to burn fat, the body also needs calories.

To lose weight, and intends to reduce body fat, you can use to measure the consumption of low-fat diet following: 35% protein, 45% carbohydrate and 20% fat.

Each 1 gram of protein contains 4 calories, 1 gram of carbohydrate contains 4 calories, and fat contains the most calories per gram higher at 9 calories

The sample count : when we want to give 1800 calories intake per day in the body. So the carb is 45% of 1800 is 810 Calories. 1 gram of carbohydrate contains 4 calories then 810 Calories is 202.5 grams of carbohydrate should we eat in a day. 35% protein in a day means 630 calories come from protein, 157.5 grams. 20% fat requirement of 1800 calories is 360 calories means for 40gram fat.

Just imagine, if your normal daily caloric requirement is 2000 calories. However, you put 2300 calories into your body, and you just use it as much as 1800, there will be a buildup of the remaining 500 calories are ready to be used as fat in your body. Moreover, if the source of the calories you consume, the majority is high fat, or derived from sugar which is only empty calories. For that, it is very important offset the calories that we eat with physical activity and exercise. If you are an office worker who every day just sitting in front of a computer, take your time to exercise every day to keep in order to your stomach is not distended. :)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The New (Table of Nutrition) Page

Finally a new page "Table of Nutrition" has been completed by the author. Honestly, to make it quite tiring. It takes precision and patience. From managing the CSS layout of the table, until ensure that the information not be swapped or incorrect data. Authors must check one by one, quite tiring because of more than 200 entries. But there are positive aspects as well, because the author became more familiar with the nutrients of foods. And because of the author's love to the reader. ;)

Just like the title, "Table of Nutrition", this page contains the nutritional information of the foods that exist around us. The author makes this page so that readers can determine the nutrient content of foods that consumed, and as a reference in selecting nutritious foods. So we are much easier to adjust the dose of nutrients into our bodies. We are sorry if the data presentation, a little less tidy, maybe someday I'm going to set it back. You can use the "search facility" on your browser to find any data.

Yes, because this is just  an intermezzo article, maybe that's all the author wants to convey. Hopefully, the new page is useful to you, and be a part of your plan to live a healthier life. Thank you :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

What is cardio exercise?

ilustration of cardio
In my article "My preparation before starting a diet program", I mentioned the word cardio. So, what is cardio exercise?. Perhaps for those of you who are familiar with fitness world, already know what it is cardio. But for the layman, the term is a little unfamiliar. At first i did not know what it is cardio, I guess this is an expensive sport, it turns out, cardio is the least expensive sport. hehehe :)

Cardio is derived from the Cardiovascular. Cardiovascular System is the way of working in which the heart pumps blood, continue to let the blood flow throughout the body. So, cardio exercise is exercise that increases heart rate and involves the whole body to move, the exercise that involves all the muscles of the body to move.

So, what is the examples of cardio exercise?? in fact we are already very familiar with cardio activity. There are many examples of cardio exercise, but the most popular are jogging, running, walking, cycling, swimming, and aerobic exercise.
examples of cardio

What are the benefits we can get from cardio exercise?.
  • Train our heart to make it more powerful. this will keep us from heart attack suddenly. Since the heart rate increases, the metabolic process becomes more smoothly.
  • Strengthens the lungs. With cardio training, we will also organize breathing practice, practice to regulate the amount of oxygen in and out.
  • Blood circulation. Therefore, cardio training, very good for relieving stress, because the blood circulation and stimulates the hormones that cause feelings of pleasure. Cardio can also accelerate recovery of cells, for wasting lactic acid (the acid that causes muscle fatigue). If you suffer from sleep disorders, cardio exercise also has the effect of improving the quality of your sleep.
  • Cardio is a sport that prioritize fat as energy. It is therefore an excellent cardio exercise done in the morning, after you wake up, and before you breakfast. If you want to lose weight, reduce your intake of carbohydrates before going to sleep at night, and then do practice of cardio in the morning.
And there are many more benefits of cardio training for health. We must do cardio exercise regularly to get the best results, at least 3 x 20 minutes in one week. Increase the intensity of your cardio from time to time, if you already familiar with your current intensity exercise. Do not impose heavy exercise if you first do the cardio, so that the heart was not surprised. And in order to avoid boredom in doing cardio, you can change the type of cardio exercise each week or as you wish.

So, whether you are still asking "what is cardio exercise"??? :)

Monday, September 17, 2012

High Protein Foods

Protein, one of the most important nutrients required and must be completed to maintain the health of our bodies, because in essence, protein support the presence of each cell in the body, and the main food for the muscles. Every adult should consume at least 1 gram of protein per kg of body weight, and their needs will increase with increasing physical activity, especially if you are a pregnant mom or sport athlete.

On this occasion I will discuss about the types of protein sources that we can get from food. Maybe we can get protein from supplements, but in my opinion, the best source of protein derived from a natural source contained from foodstuffs. Protein source of food is divided into two, namely animal protein and vegetable protein. And these are some example of high protein foods around us :

Animal protein
1. Red Meat
Examples of the most common red meat is beef, mutton and lamb. Red meat is a source of protein that is high enough, even though many people are worried about the fat and cholesterol. Provided that in its processing; remove fat and skin, not fried or mixed with coconut milk or the sugar and excessive salt, red meat is a safe source of protein. A healthy way to consume meat is boiled. Furthermore, red meat is also a source of vitamin b12 and iron. Vitamin b12 is a vitamin that is hard to find in plants.

2. White Meat
Examples of the most popular white meat is chicken. How to eat white meat should also be the same as red meat, as described above. Chicken also contains fat and cholesterol, although not as much as red meat. Skin and chicken thighs are the part that contains a lot of fat. Therefore, if you want to eat chicken, choose the chest.

3. Fish
Fish is a source of protein that the fat content didn't like red meat or white meat. There are even some types of fish that have very low levels of fat, such as Gindara fish . While fish contains high fat are salmon and tuna. However, both of these fish contain good fats, which are needed by the body, which contains Omega 3 Fatty Acids.
And there is one fish that we may  underestimate it, namely anchovy. the fish, it contains about 10% protein.

4. Eggs
I think the egg is the source of animal protein that most easily available and its cheap, but the quality of protein is very good. So, it becomes my favorite high protein food.  One egg contains approximately 7gram protein. If you are concerned about the content of cholesterol, eat only the egg whites, because it did not contain cholesterol. White eggs in one egg contains about 3 grams of protein.

5. Milk and dairy products
Milk protein derived from cow's milk that has been discarded water content, carbohydrates, and fat. Protein milk contains whey protein and casein (may be one day I will discuss). Currently, many dairy products are circulating in shops. You better choose milk that has a high protein content, but low sugar and low fat.

Vegetable Protein
1. Nuts
Nuts are also a source of protein, but many people think that nuts have a high fat content. Do not worry, because the fat in nuts is a good fat. However, we still have to limit the consumtion of nuts. Roasted and boiled , can be a healthy method of cooking nuts.

2. Beans
This is kind of the most popular high protein plant foods, soybeans have a high protein content, but it's cheap. If you are allergic to cow's milk, soy milk can then be an alternative. In addition to soybeans, there are also mungbeans. In addition to protein, mungbeans also contain vitamins, fiber and minerals and it  also believed can reduce cholesterol.

3. Grains
In my previous article about the white rice, wheat I mentioned as a source of carbohydrates, but it's also contains protein approximately 9%. however, the main content of the grain remains carbohydrate. So, for those of you who doing carbohydrate diet, do not make the grains as the main source of protein.

4. Peas
Just like mungbeans, peas besides containing proteins also contain fiber, vitamins, and minerals. These vegetables may not be a popular vegetable in my country, Indonesia.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Why you do not eat white rice?

white rice
In my country, Indonesia, white rice being the staple food of the majority of the population. If we do not eat white rice, it means we have not eaten. For lay people in my country, white rice is considered as the main source of carbohydrates and be the best. Yes maybe it is a natural thing, because many countries in Asia, and particularly in Indonesia, an agricultural country, where many people are rice farmers. When I started to not consume white rice, my family always ask, "why you do not eat white rice? Whether you do not limp? '. Not to mention, my grandmother who is always angry if I do not eat rice.
My Grandma Sri Mulyani
Hmmm, there are many people who do not know that the carbohydrate content in white rice just is a simple carbohydrate, while there is a better carb, namely complex carbohydrates. Yes, because eating rice has become a habit that carried out starting from the children, particularly in the western part of Indonesia.

So how exactly the carbohydrate content in white rice?
White rice is a simple carbohydrate, carbohydrates that have a chemical structure is simple, it is what makes the body more quickly to process and absorb carbohydrates. The more rapidly absorbed, then we will more quickly feel hungry, and will provoke our appetite. White rice also contains fiber which is only a little, but it has a glycemic index (a measure of how quickly glucose is released into the bloodstream after a meal) is high, and this gives a negative effect on blood sugar levels.

Carbohydrates are a source of sugar for our bodies to be processed into energy, but for the process so that maximum energy, the sugar needs a friend like fiber, vitamins and minerals. If not all processed incoming glucose into energy, glucose is stored as a backup in the body, if too many reserves, it will be the fat in your body, mainly stored in your stomach and cause your stomach to be distended. Therefore, it would be dangerous if we consume food or drinks that are high in sugar and have a few good friends. That's why Asian people considered at high risk for type 2 diabetes. This is because Asians tend to have a much higher intake to consume rice compared to Westerners, an average of three to four servings a day.

And what about the complex carbohydrates? and where can we get it?
Opposed to simple carbohydrates, complex carbohydrates clearly has a chemical structure that is longer and complicated. Due to the complexity that causes the body is hard to digest, so it will last longer in the body and eventually released back through the feces. This has led us full longer. Normally present in foods that have high fiber content like fruits and vegetables. 
potatoes, brown rice, oats, wheat bread

Foods that contain complex carbohydrates and is easily digested by the body;the example is  whole wheat, brown rice, root crops such as potatoes, cassava and sweet potatoes. Fruits that are young like bananas, tomatoes, mangoes and papaya also contains complex carbohydrates.
Complex carbohydrates clearly have fiber and nutrients better than simple carbohydrates, and also has a lower glycemic index.

My Oatmeal
So try to recognize the type of carbohydrates you consume. Not just because it has become a habit for the body. It does require adaptation if we change our eating kind, but if it's a good adaptation to the direction, why not? Long ago, when I first tried to not eat rice, my body feels weak indeed, but after not making the white rice as a staple food, it is precisely this body feels lighter. I changed my staple food with oatmeal porridge or sometimes with whole wheat bread, because it is more practical.

It is important to know what kind of nutrients that enter your body, because this is also will be a first step if you want to start for a healthier life :)

Friday, September 14, 2012

My Preparation Before Starting A diet Program

My Diet Plan and Preparation
On this occasion I will describe my experience of preparation before starting a diet program. To implement a program of diet, it requires planning, if not, the diet will only torment our lives. Actually, before 2012, I have often planned to go on a diet, but it always fails at the middle of the program, because I feel it a restrictive sense, and would end with the word "FAIL!", :). Beginning in 2012 I began to feel the top of where my physical condition is not very good. I began to have the intention of actually starting to improve my health. Then I tried to learn and gather information about the diet, whether from the Internet, magazines, or ask with my friends. And after getting enough information, I finally begin preparation by the following steps:
  1. Starting to change my wrong perception about diet, as described in my previous article about Misconceptions About Diet, the diet can not be done quickly, and should be the pattern of everyday life. If we are overweight, we can not make our weight down 10 pounds with the practical. Do not assume that we run programs such as military service. Patience is the key.
  2. Never be ashamed reflected on out to your friends and family if you want to start living and healthy eating. Because then, instead they will support and assist you in your diet. Once they see the results of your diet program, it will motivate them to live like you.
  3. Began to abandon bad habits are detrimental to health. At that time I was trying hard to leave cigarettes and beer. It is quite heavy, because when hanging out with my friends, these 2 things often accompany. But finally I could leave a strong embroidery. Stay up too late at night is also a bad habit of mine at the time, even now, I sometimes still hard to leave. But I limit order before 11 o'clock at night I have to sleep, I can sleep at least seven hours per day.
  4. Fill out the fridge, larder, and my table with healthier foods, like vegetables and fruits. In order that we always looked healthy food, so we always remember about the program in which we live. But, replace your fruits and vegetables regularly, so as not to bore. Even now, when there is no fruit and vegetables, I feel something is missing my place. Addiction vegetables and fruit is better than addiction to cigarettes, isn't it? :)
  5. Set my eating schedule. As set our agenda, set an eating schedule is also critical to the success of the diet. We can write, once used, we no longer need to write it down. And for those of you who work in the office, you can bring their own lunch from home. 
  6. Make a photo of the body, before we go on a diet. That in the future, we can compare our physical changes. But even better, the physical form should not be used as the main reference in the diet. Because if our goals for health, physical form would be a bonus.
  7. If you are overweight or underweight, gather all the information about the data size to your body weight, waist circumference, chest circumference, neck circumference, and others. So that you can easily estimate your target to achieve an ideal weight.
  8. Rate the picture; computer wallpaper,mobile phone wallpaper or your poster, with pictures of people healthy or ideal or athletic stature. This will motivate you to have the same condition as they were.
  9. Bring water anywhere. Such as fruit and vegetables, water will remind you about health. Because water is a mandatory requirement to support our diet and healthy living. Drink 8-10 glasses per day.
  10. And the most important thing is exercise. Begin to expand our physical activity per day. would be better if we exercise regularly, Sports weights and cardio is the best exercise supporting our diet. But for the first step, starting with simple physical activities. Pick up the stairs instead of using elevators. if you just go to a place nearby, just ride a bike or walk
That's the first steps that I apply to my diet plan. What is clear, solidified your intentions, make healthy lifestyle is not just a moment activities. Not only are people overweight or underweight that require diet, everyone needs a diet to maintain health. Hopefully useful. :)

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Misconceptions About Diet

thinking about diets
There are so many misconceptions about diet. Many people who consider diet just to lose weight. I say unequivocally "NO!", Diet is not just about losing weight, but to balance and nourish our body needs. We do the diet  ​​to create weight or body condition controlled and balanced.

Worse yet, many people consider that a diet is to reduce the size of the meal or not eating at all. In fact, not eating will only make us sick and torturing our body organs. For people who use this theory in weight loss, our weight may be down for a short time, but after reaching a peak we will fall ill and our weight will go up again.

Get Ideal Body

People who are overweight obviously need a diet, but what about those who were underweight? People who have underweigth also have to control the nutrients to increase muscle mass, not just eating a lot. In the human body, in outline, which can increase or decrease the weight there are only two things, namely MUSCLE and FAT. You can increase or decrease your muscles and you can also add or reduce fat. In the lean, hard body to store fat.

Proteins, carbohydrates and fats are 3 of the most important components to affect your diet. Where the consumption of protein should be higher than carbohydrates and fats. Protein is needed for food and forming muscles, it's duty to replace the cells of our body are damaged. carbohydrates are also used as energy, as are also the fats are also needed by the body.

The average person needs 2000 calories per day, can be more or less depending on your activities. A healthy diet in general use benchmark; 15% of calories from protein, 30% calories from fat, 55% calories from carbohydrates. This diet is recommended the U.S. government.

                      diet chart

The body needs nutrition every 3-4 hours. For that, you just need to increase the intensity of your eating. The day can be 5 times, with 3 big meals and 2 snacks. Snacking conducted on the sidelines of a great meal. When you're eating, consider always the nutrients you eat, do not go overboard and eat properly. Eat meals and snacks that are high in protein and fiber clearly is recommended.
Caloric needs should be met, because the calories also need energy to be burned. So it is very important to know all the information about your body to determine the exact amount of nutrients in order to get a good diet and not arbitrary.

If you are an overweight, do not want the weight loss in a practical and fast. Better to start with adopting a healthy lifestyle and proper diet, it would be better if balanced with regular exercise. anyway, you must change your misconceptions about diet right now. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

First Step : Reduce Sugar and Salt

Sugar and Salt
Sugar and Salt
Reducing sugar and salt is the first step that I take in healthy lifestyle. Perhaps it will be very tough, because almost every food around us contain a lot of sugar and salt. I am a fan of eating salty and soft drink.
But if we can limit their consumption when old age, is likely to be protected from dangerous diseases like stroke, hypertension. and diabetes. instead we did not consume at all, but only restrict and minimize it, because our body also needs sugar and salt.

So, how much should we consume sugar and salt??

Basically, the amount of sugar that can be consumed each day depending on the number of calories that enter the body. But the best estimate is 70 g for men and 50 g for women to normal conditions. Avoid eating refined products, instant food and beverages, softdrink such as soda, because usually these foods contain a very high glucose content. White rice, in addition to not just  contain simple carbohydrates, it also contain high glucose. So what foods contain good sugar? Fruit contains natural sugar called fructose. Therefore to get a good sugar content, the better we eat lots of fruits only, because it also contains a lot of vitamins and fiber. The people were able to limit the consumption of sugar will look younger and avoid fat in the abdomen, which obviously avoid the risk of diabetes. Like my previous article, it is better to replace high-sugar beverages with drinking water.
Sugar also reduces the efficacy of tea and coffee, so it would be better if you eat unsweetened coffee and tea, in order to obtain maximum benefits. As well, with fruit juice, do not use excessive added sugar, let the natural sweetness of the fruit gives freshness to your juice.

Instant meals and junk food also contains a lot of salt, in addition to containing a lot of sugar. Sodium in salt can increase the risk of hypertension.If you are experiencing symptoms of headache and dizziness, blurred vision, palpitations and shortness of breath, you should immediately reduce the consumption of salt, because it could be a symptom of hypertension.
But we also do not leave the salt at all, because the shortage of salt will also cause respiratory problems, dehydration and low blood pressure. Consuming salt containing iodine will prevent mumps. Sea salt and natural salt in large typically have levels of sodium, chlorine, magnesium, and potassium is higher.
Actually there are few substitutes to replace salt as a flavoring in cooking, such as seaweed, lemon or lime juice, tomato sauce, onion and garlic. Its obvious, when you buy packaged foods, check the sodium content on the nutrition information. Salt is essential to add flavor to our food, but if there is another alternative salt substitutes, try to use it.

For me, reducing sugar and salt is much more difficult than it should be to stop smoking. Should be done with patience though only subtract 2 white powder, there are almost all uses sugar and salt. And begin to eat more frequent meals are boiled to produce a more natural sweetness.

But do not try to reduce and cease to be the salt and light of the world :)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Miracles Of a Smile

Angry and Smile
Smiling, something that very easy to do, something to express excitement. Meanwhile, anger is the opposite of joy, and only creates sorrow. However, if when our mood is not good, can we smile?? precisely it should be done. Have you ever heard the saying "face with a smile"??. Yes, anger is only going to give the disease to us and makes us get old. Meanwhile, a smile in addition to giving a sense of joy, it's making us more healthy and look young.

Smiles gives a magical effect on us and around us. People would rather see us with a smile rather than scowl and expression angry. Because people with a smile will create a peaceful atmosphere around it, so people will be happy to see him and automatically we can make friends more easily. Smile we give is also contagious, so if there are other people who are sad he will be comforted and easing his grief. When you're arguing because of the romance, face with a smile, try to make her/him laugh and give something funny to your partner. Then your partner would be easier to forgive you (That's the miracles of a smile that I often experienced). :)

When we're stressed thinking about a problem, then try to smile. Psychological scientist Tara Kraft and Sarah Pressman of the University of Kansas examined the potential benefits of a smile by looking at different types of smiles, and awareness of the smile that could affect an individual's ability to recover from stress. As a result, studies have shown that smiling can actually affect the physical state. Compared to participants neutral facial expression, participants were instructed to smile, and especially those who smiled broadly appeared to have a lower heart rate after recovery from stress. These findings suggest that a brief smile during stress may help to reduce the intensity of the body's stress response, regardless of whether a person really feel happy. The study has been published in the journal Psychological Science.

Smiling helps the immune system to work better. And studies have shown can smile releases endorphins, compounds that can reduce pain naturally and serotonin. Smiles also provides a reduction in the value of blood pressure measured. Try to measure blood pressure while sitting at home, reading, and smiled for 1 minute and blood pressure back, you will see the difference. A smile is a very effective natural remedy, therefore people who are sick should be more of a laugh and feel happy to be a speedy recovery.

With a smile we will look much younger. I have a friend who is a lot older than me, he was already 42 years old, but his face looks like the age of 30 years. When I asked his secret, he simply replied, "You must often smiled and laughed, make your life always happy despite the sadness hit you, the point is smile, because smiling can make us think more positively". Especially with your photo, try to compare your photos when you smile with the photos when grim, you will look younger when you smile. Because when we smile, our facial muscles will be more flexible because it is often drawn up, so that our face will tighter. Unlike when we frown and grim, your facial muscles will drop and create a lot of wrinkles on the face.

So it all depends on your choice,are you want to be a smiling people with a lot of friends or to be a grumpy people?? Are you want to look younger or to look older??. Clearly,  let us smile more often and you will feel the miracles of a smile, for a healthier life in a simple way. :)

Monday, September 10, 2012

Drinking Water For a Better Life

Drinking Water
Drinking Water
Water is a source of life for us, because 80% of our body is water. In the brain itself is made up of 90% water. All living things need water to live. Therefore, the consumption of water is mandatory. There were so many benefits that we can if we consume enough water to meet the water needs, we should consume at least 7-10 glasses per day or. If we meet it will be very much benefit will we get, among others:
  • Streamlining our diet, because adequate water consumption is a mandatory requirement for the success of the diet. If you want to flatten your belly, fill your water needs. When is start my diet program, the words "Drinking Water For A Better Life" always comes to my mind.
  • Making our youth, because enough water will also keep our skin moist. Lack of water will make the skin appear pale and dry.
  • Relieve kidney function by removing toxins in the body through urine and sweat.
  • Being able to reduce headaches and migraines, it may even cure it.
  • Increase the production of testosterone in men and estrogen in women.
  • Make us full, but does not add calories in the body.
  • Hot water is able to expedite the circulatory system and respiratory system.
  • Water keeps our metabolism system continues to run smoothly, so we are still producing energy well
  • And there are many more positive benefits of consuming water.

Good Water
Good Water
But the water that we drink the water should clear quality. When I was in school, I learned that the water quality for consumption must meet the following parameters:

  1. Physical Parameters that must be met in drinking water that should be clear, odorless, tasteless and colorless. In addition, drinking water does not cause precipitation. If the water that we consume deviates from this, then it is likely the water has been contaminated.
  2. Chemical Parameters, from the aspect of chemistry, materials drinking water should not contain high amounts of dissolved particles and heavy metals (eg, Hg, Ni, Pb, Zn, and Ag) or toxic substances such as hydrocarbons and detergents. Heavy metal ions can denaturation of proteins, in addition to heavy metals can react with other functional groups in biomolecules. As most will accumulate in various organs, especially the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys, the organs that is mainly damaged
  3. Microbiological parameters, does not contain pathogenic bacteria, namely Escherichia colli, Clostridium perfringens, Salmonella. Pathogenic bacteria can form a toxin (poison) after a short latency period is a few hours. The presence of coliform bacteria (E. coli bacterial species belonging to this) are mostly found in the feces of humans and animals indicate a low quality of sanitary water in the procurement process.
So, let us increase the quality of life by drinking healthy water as the simple steps to start a healthier lifestyle and make healthy habits as patterns of our daily lives. If you now are addicted to drink high-calorie beverages such as soft drinks, alcohol and beverages containing high sugar you should start reducing and replacing them with consuming water, because the water does not contain calories. Always remember the words "Drinking Water For a Better Life". So , have you drinking well today?? :)

Health Is a Precious Treasure

For me, health is a precious treasure. Believe it or not, health is our wealth that is difficult to assess by cost and among the most expensive, probably it more expensive than luxury cars, luxury homes, gold, money or diamonds. A thing of inestimable value because it's a gift from God.

Surely no one wants to fall sick, all definitely want to get healthy, so anything would have been done to obtain healing when we are sick. Everyone wants, should and must to have it, that makes health is have a worth price . Pain is a condition in which cells, tissues or organs are not working properly, and not like a car or a vehicle that can be easily replaced if there are damaged component. Humans can not make the body organs just like the original manually, we simply duplicate existing cloning methods, that would still have a high ratio of difficulties. Instead of an organ, just make a leaf manually we can not turn. Yes, because it is all natural technology, algorithms, and knowledge that is only controlled by God.

Even though we are a wealthy man, our wealth could be wiped out if we suffering a serious illness that requires expensive treatments and continuously. For example, if your kidneys are damaged and are not functioning again, then we must replace it, to seek a donor must be difficult. And if there are a donor, we definitely have to buy / pay very expensive, unless if there is a good-hearted donors and voluntary. That's just one organ, whereas there are a million cells and tissues in our body . What about if you have complications and many organ to be repaired?? Will surrender be a way out??.

Clearly, our wealth does not mean if we live without health. Be thankful if you have a good health today. Because to get it back would be more difficult than we have to maintain and manage. For behold, to take care of it can be done in a way that looks simple but very profound impact. But although it looks simple, but it will be difficult if we do not make it a routine lifestyle, such as quitting smoking for smokers, reducing and replacing sugary drinks with mineral water, eat more vegetables and fruits and other good habits.

Indeed, the fact that sometimes we realize that our actions are not good for health, but we still do it on purpose. Because all habits must be changed little by little, it will be very difficult if we immediately changed all our bad habits, we need to make healthy habits as patterns of our daily lives, not just the action for one time only. If you do not want to lose that precious treasure, then let us begin to change our lifestyle for the better with the initial step's simple.