Thursday, February 7, 2013

Why Your Diet Often Fail?

One more vent from my friend. I won't mention the name, but my friend was a woman. Her body was very fat, and a few weeks ago she told me that she wanted to lose weight, so she started her diet program. I didn't know about how the diet method she would do at that time. It would seem strange to me if all of a sudden I advised her about proper diet, while she didn't ask me. Although I'm pretty sure that she still had a mental block about a healthy diet. It turns out my guess is correct. After a few weeks, and there has not been one month, my friend said to me that her diet has failed. She said that her weight had dropped as much as 2 pounds, but later reverted to its original weight. Even she admitted that the diet was very painful.

failed diet

Previously I was once told her that a healthy diet is very enjoyable. Apparently, those words made ​​my friend interested in doing diet program. But she was in a hurry to do it, so she does not have enough knowledge. Until the end she thought as if the diet was excruciating, and she thought I have lied for saying that diet is fun. Apparently she didn't really understand the "Healthy Diet" term. Then, like a journalist, I started interviewing her.

Did you drink at least 8 glasses of water per day?
Yes i did, I meet my water. I drink 8 glasses of water per day, even up to 10 glasses. I have to reduce the consumption of soft drinks, and replace them with water.

"At this point, my friend has been doing pretty well. She has to meet her daily water needs."

Have you ever felt so hungry while dieting?
Of course, yes i have. Is not a diet indeed to reduce the size of the meal? So automatically we should try to resist hunger. I'd always try to hold my stomach pain. In fact sometimes I feel dizzy. I've been struggling with, right?

(Hahaha, I just laughed at my friend's reply. Because with a pride, she answered like that)
"A right healthy diet is not to make us miserable. We must not get very hungry, even more so to feel dizzy and weak. We must keep our stomach in order not to starve, but also not stuffed. When we are hungry for a long time, the body will break down protein from the muscles, and it will make your body become flabby. So, it will only make you look more fat, right?"

Did you not eat carbs?
I greatly reduced the consumption of carbohydrates. Therefore, I just ate a plate of white rice once a day.

"It's also less precise. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy of our body. We must meet the needs of carbohydrate according to the dose we needed. What we should consider in a healthy diet is the type of carbohydrates we eat. We should eat complex carbs, not simple carbs. White rice is a type of simple carbohydrates. While examples of complex carbohydrates are brown rice, wheat, oats, potato, etc."

Did you not eat fat?
Of course i did. Our goal is to run a diet program to burn fat, right? If i keep consuming fat, then my diet program will be in vain.

"True, our goal of dieting is to eliminate excess body fat. However, what we have to get rid of fat is a type of adverse, such as visceral fat in the abdomen. However, we still need the type of good fat. We should not eliminate fat consumption at all. What we must avoid is Saturated Fat and Trans Fat, while we should keep the consumption of monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat. Examples of sources of good fats are: almonds, peanuts hazelnuts, cashews, sunflower seeds, salmon, herring, and sardines."

Did you meet your protein needs?
Yeah, I heard that we need to consume more protein. I ate chicken and eggs as my protein source.

"It was a very good answer. You have to meet your protein needs. You need to know how much protein you need. Choose chicken on the chest part, and remove the fat and skin. Don't cook chicken and eggs by frying. But cook them by boiling. Sea fish such as tuna and salmon are examples of super protein."

Did you breakfast and dinner on time?
Sometimes. I mostly just have lunch. I very rarely have a breakfast. Dinner? I would not eat at night. It was a taboo for me, because dinner would make me even fatter.

"One more less precise knowledge that you have. Breakfast is a liability if you want to lose weight. Because from the breakfast we get the energy to start our activities in the morning, if not, then this will disrupt metabolic processes, and results in muscle protein breakdown. 
Dinner is also not necessarily make you fat. 3 hours before bedtime you should eat. Since we also need energy when we are sleeping. Sleep is the time when our body repair the damaged cell by using the protein source. Therefore, you have to eat dinner with high protein foods. Divide your portions into 3 meals and 2 snacks between meal times is an example of correctly eating schedule."

Did you often sleep late?
Almost every day i did it. I was sleeping late to work on my assignments, or just watching tv. Does it also affect the diet?

"Of course. We need time to sleep about 7-8 hours a day. Remember! sleep is a moment when the body repair damaged body cells. If we lack of sleep, the body's cells won't be repaired perfectly. So don't expect your body will be more dense, because your muscles are not repaired perfectly."

Are you also doing physical exercise?
That's the problem. It is very difficult to motivate myself to exercise regularly.

"I'm glad you've thought that exercise must be done. Exercise is the most effective way to burn fat naturally. Don't ever expect an instant result, as it will also go quickly. The combination of weight training and cardio is the best way to lose weight, rather than by taking slimming drugs. I have proved that the natural way gives better results. Now your homework is to make your workout schedule. At least 3 times a week, each for approximately 1 hour."

That's a little interview with my friend who is undergoing a diet program, but she have failed. At least that's the common problems that often make people fail to execute their diet program. So for those of you who are running the diet program, try to also answer my questions above. :)

Sunday, February 3, 2013

The Fruits That Have More Vitamin C Than Oranges

fresh oranges
When we hear people talking about Vitamin C, probably the first time we have in mind is orange. Yes, orange is very synonymous with vitamin C. Lots of processed beverage products that offer a high content of vitamin C with orange as its icon. Vitamin C is  really needed by our body. Vitamin C has many benefits, but the most popular usefulness is its use as the antioxidant and plays a role in the recovery process.

However, we need to know is that vitamin C is not only contained in orange only. In fact there are many other types of fruit, which contains more vitamin C than oranges. Every 100 grams of orange has about 48 mg of vitamin C. And the daily intake of vitamin C is recommended by 65 mg for ages 14-18 years, 90 mg for adult men and 75 mg for adult women. Here are some references of fruit with the same dose (100 grams), which contains more vitamin C than oranges :

This fruit contains vitamin C as much as 56 mg. Pineapples are from Brazil and Paraguay. With a blend of sweet and slightly sour, it makes sense to be so fresh fruit. The content of natural acids in the pineapple serves soothe and refresh the skin. However, this fruit should not be consumed by pregnant women, because it contains Bromelin, which has a role as a proteins breaker, and it could actually damage their fetus.

This fruit contains 59 mg of vitamin C. In the Roman world, strawberries used as a medicinal plant because it has a lot of vitamin C, potassium, and folic acid. Even in ancient Greece, this fruit is used as a symbol of love because color, flavor, and the benefits provided by strawberries.

Pomelo contains 61 mg of vitamin C. The fruit is native to South Asia and Southeast Asia. Actually, in my country, Indonesia, the fruit is classified in citrus fruits. But this time, we are used to mention the name "Pomelo".

Papaya has the amount of vitamin C that is almost equivalent to the pomelo, which is about 62 mg. Maybe we did not expect, that turns papaya contains more vitamin C than oranges. 100 grams of papaya has nutrients vitamin C were 62 mg. Fruit native to Mexico and the northern part of South America is often consumed as is known to prevent constipation and it has a very sweet taste.

The content of vitamin C is about 66 mg. Yes, the typical fruit taste sweet and fresh, maybe not you think it has a lot of vitamin C. The native fruit of China now has been difficult to be found and even if there is only consumed alone. The fruit can also be used in the treatment of facial skin.

I also rarely encountered this fruit, but sometimes I still can find lychee fruit in the supermarket. Though lychees from China, Taiwan, and Southeast Asia including Indonesia. The fruit has a fragrant aroma, has a sweet and sour taste. The fruit is also loaded with vitamin C up to 71 mg / 100 grams of fruit or almost 1.5 times more than oranges.

Tropical fruit native of Southeast Asia and South Asia has been declared threatened endangered species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the agency inventory of the conservation status of the world's most credible biological species. Fortunately in my Country, longan tree is still preserved, and the fruit is easy I buy and enjoy, when the season arrives. 100 grams of longan contains of 84 mg vitamin C, or 1.75 times more than oranges.

Kiwi Fruit
Kiwi fruit or Chinese gooseberry is the kind of fruit are expensive and rare. But now New Zealand has become the country exporting kiwi, and the fruit is sold freely. There are generally two types of kiwi being sold, the yellow and the green. Golden kiwifruit or the yellow kiwi nutritious higher than the green one. 100 grams of kiwi contains 93 mg of vitamin C, or nearly 2-fold compared to oranges.

This fruit is one of my favorite fruits to be made juice. Fruits are also originally came from Brazil has a content of up to 228 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams, or almost 5 times more than oranges. You don't have to worry about constipation because of eating guava. 100 grams of guava fruit has the same size as one medium-sized guava, and that was sufficient daily requirement of vitamin C as much as 2.5 times. Therefore, it is not uncommon dengue patients are encouraged to eat this fruit, because its vitamin C content is high it is suitable to aid recovery and maintain endurance.

Cashew Fruit
I was really surprised when i found about this information, that cashew fruit contains vitamin C which is quite high, even much higher than oranges. Yes, who would have thought a tropical fruit originally from Northeast Brazil has a super vitamin C content as high as 265 mg per 100 grams, or 5 times more than oranges. Of course, the part intended was in the flesh part, not in the cashews part. Therefore not surprising that it's tastes very sour.

I myself had never directly encountered this fruit. Because this fruit is indeed the original fruit found in South America, southern Mexico, and Central America. The fruit is extraordinary, because it contains vitamin C 35 times more than oranges. It's very much, isn't it? Yes, the amount of vitamin C per 100 grams it reached 1677 mg. Acerola is still the highest in vitamin C than any fruit.

So in addition to oranges, there are also many types of fruit that can meet the needs of vitamin C, right? To avoid boredom, you can change the type of fruit as you want, because now you have to know the information above. Meet the needs of your vitamin C is one of the outset to live healthier.

Keep healthy everyone.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Keep Exercising and Keep Working

It did not feel the time is running very fast. It seems like yesterday new year 2013 has just begun, but even this time, January is almost gone. And one more thing that surprised me, that I actually work at a company that handles the health sector in terms of technology. Working in the health sector is one of my new year resolutions, right?. I am working in a company from Germany, but it also has several branches in my country, Indonesia. Indeed, the company is not purely talking about health, but at least it offered a healthy life in the form of technology solutions to support health. Currently I am still undergoing the training work, and it will run for 3 weeks. I wish I could develop my knowledge and skills here, because I met many great people.

Keep exercising and keep working

Working at this company certainly has its challenges. One such challenge is time. The division of time is one of my homework. A lot of people are busy, and dissolve in their work routines. So that many of those who forget to take care of their own health. I realized, when later I've actually worked in full, I would have had a more limited time. Maybe I could go home until the evening. On the other hand, I must keep exercising regularly. Of course I don't want to if my work makes me not able to keep exercising. Therefore, it is very important to think of strategies that we can still exercise, but also to keep working properly.

Exercising doesn't have to be done in the afternoon

We can see that it's not uncommon a Gym also filled by people at night. I once asked them, that some of those who workout in the evening due to the work reasons. Yes, from here I conclude that the exercise can be done flexible. Many people think that exercise is only performed in the afternoon only. In fact it's an ancient statement, because exercise can be done anytime, as long as still within the bounds of reasonableness. Practicing at night is not a problem, as long as we also continue to regulate the intake of our nutrients, and our bedtime. If you want to burn fat, you can also do cardio in the morning. Jogging in the morning can also make us more fresh to face challenges in the office where we work.

Don't ever force yourself to exercise

One more thing needs to be noted, that if our bodies are not able to exercise, so don't push our body to exercise. If we work hard enough at the office, maybe we actually have a lot to burn calories while working. Unless the jobs just sit in a chair looking at a computer screen. In reality, only our own who really knows the condition of our bodies. Avoid push yourself, so it does not make us be an athletica nervosa sufferer.

Create a schedule of activities

We need to create a schedule, so we can actually regulate our activities. Sometimes the work is unpredictable, it could be we are faced with work piling up and forced us to overtime. Therefore we also have to learn to be smart in the rotating schedule. I myself have some rotation schedule, because I had to adjust my work schedule. Usually, I didn't exercise on Sundays. But now I put Sunday in the list of my workout time.

Work is an obligation for us to be able to earn an income. Without working, we can't live. However, a healthy life is also a mandatory requirement all humans. We could not really enjoy our wealth, if we keep sickly. Therefore, we still need to exercise regularly and maintain our health. So keep working, keep exercising, and keep healthy everyone.

Monday, January 28, 2013

The Facts About Body Muscle

Muscle is the reason why we could move our bones. If you have good muscle shape, it will support your appearance and your strength. Dense and dry muscle is the dream of most of the sports and fitness enthusiasts. Therefore, the muscles become the object of a priority when we do exercise, especially weight training. However, often we do excessive exercise, so it makes our muscles do not develop properly. Therefore, it's important for us to know the facts about our body muscle first, so that we get to know more about it. Consider the following facts:

The injured muscle is good

When we do exercise by lifting weights or push-ups, in fact it will create microscopic tears in the muscle fibers. Then the muscle will send a signal to the nearest cell to move. These cells are quickly forming proteins in the damaged part, and the improvement process will result in developing muscle. Therefore, if we lack the protein, the muscles are damaged would be difficult to repair. And we will feel the difference the new muscle that we practiced for about a week after doing the exercises.

3 types of muscle

In our body, there are three types of muscle: cardiac muscle contained in the liver, smooth muscles lining the organs such as the stomach, and skeletal muscle that attach to bones via tendons. The skeletal muscle is a type of muscle which do the most work. Muscles are taking part in 30-40% of your body weight. This is the kind of muscle you see standing out in the body of a bodybuilder. But, the strongest muscle of the body is the masseter muscle used for chewing

Muscle growth period

When we were kids, the muscle will grow naturally and the numbers continue to grow. But when we are entering puberty then number was fixed and did not grow by itself again. In fact, the strength of a person's body can be seen from the large of their muscle fibers. The larger the muscle fibers, showing how powerful the more you look.

Muscles can be tightened

Each muscle fiber is not created equal. There is a kind of slow-twitch muscle, there is also a twitching rapidly. The number of both types of muscle are determined by genes. To train the muscles are slow, it can be done with weight training routine.

Muscles have IQ

When you do an exercise of martial arts, and use your legs to kick with powerful, then the brain will send signals to nerve cells, telling the muscles in the arm, back, center, and feet to make the contraction. During exercise, the brain and the muscles will often communicate, and you become more coordinated.

Hormones in the development of muscle

When men do lift weights, testosterone will produce more, and this will make the enlarged muscle fibers. That's why women will not have the muscle of man. So what if she wants it? So they spend all of their time to train harder and give special nutrition.

Who is stronger, men or women?

The men known to be more powerful than women, because they have more muscle. Research also shows that 50% of muscle men are stronger than women. But when they are factoring weight with muscle weight, they found that women were more powerful than men. This was disclosed by Wayne Westcott Ph.D., CSCS

Why does it seem so difficult to workout?

For years, scientists thought that the burning sensation is the result of the body that produce lactic acid, which causes the body to rest while too hard workout. But the University of California discovered the real reason why the muscles undergo combustion. While indeed it was caused by the burning of lactic acid, the body is not resting while doing exercises. The harder you workout, the body will use lactate as an energy source more efficiently. This means you have to do it longer and harder.

Muscular body parts that provide ideal posture

Someone said to have a good body shape if they have good muscle shape form on : Muscle Leg, Thigh Muscles, Abdominal Muscles, Muscle Backs, Chest Muscles, Shoulder Muscles, Muscle Arm (bicep and Tricep).

Hopefully the information about the facts of the muscles of the above can be useful for you. So you can treat your muscles properly and not arbitrary. Keep everyone healthy :D

Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Challenge is Called Discipline

Discipline, discipline, and discipline is a requirement that must be met if we want to succeed in getting something. Discipline is not something easy to do, because it requires a consistency. Moreover, if someone sets a high goal, so they also had to increase their level of discipline. Consistency is closely associated with discipline, so if we are able to be consistent, it will make it easier to implement a discipline. In fact, in order to maintain a consistency itself is very difficult. Motivation and high morale will be very important role. However, it is a challenge that must be faced, because discipline is a challenge.

Discipline is the key

Discipline is the key for us to obtain a high achievement. Lionel Messi didn't magically become a best footballer. He is implementing a high discipline in his work. Likewise with Pele, Valentino Rossi, or Roger Federer. To be the world class athlete, they need discipline. A success can not be achieved just by dreaming in silence, but also requires an action. Actions taken must also not arbitrary, because it takes hard work and discipline.

When you implement a disciplined, the biggest challenge you will face is boredom. Laziness is already a common problem, but boredom is also a challenge. To be an "expert", then you need to exercise regularly and continuously. When we do the same thing every day, maybe it's boredom was ready to confront you.

However, what we are talking about here is a discipline in a healthy lifestyle, particularly healthy diet and regular exercise. Because of the principle to achieve a good healthy living and optimal same as another success. We should not just dreaming and dreaming, but we have to "do it". Most of us are breaking the rules of our own, because we can not control our passions. So, if you want to acquire the discipline of a healthy life, then the first step you should do is to master yourself. You have to control your lust, not just the lust which is control you.

You may not expect an instant results. Discipline requires a process that is not a moment, because it requires an adjustment. We need not expect to be able to do the perfect thing according to what has been what we have planned. While what we do anyway in accordance with the direction of our goals (in this case is a healthy living), so you have to keep patience in the process of adaptation. Let the pattern of discipline into your daily habits. Because the discipline of one thing usually also be transmitted to other things. Surely transmitted to positive things.

To keep you motivated, then there should be a means of support to help you as a reminder. You can make little notes that you can see at any time as a reminder to you to maintain discipline. I myself use this blog as a means to guard my motivation. I also still have a little difficulty in maintaining my level of discipline. So this blog is very useful as a reminder of me. Because every time I opened this blog, so I will remember all the goals and efforts I have done.

So, do you dare to face this challenge?
Keep healthy everyone :)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

HAPIfork The Vibrating Fork

Maybe I'm a little late to know this news. And you probably already know earlier about this innovation. HAPIfork is a fork that can vibrate. Of course there are a reason why this fork could vibrates. HAPIfork is an innovative idea of Jacques Lepine from HAPILABS. This fork will make us not to eat too fast with vibration signals. So, if we eat too fast, then HAPIfork will give a signal in the form of vibration that made us slow down eating.

In addition to vibration signal, HAPIfork also can provide a precise information about the feeding schedule and warn you with an indicator light relief when you eat food too fast. This fork also measure how long it takes to eat the dish, the number of "serving fork" made ​​per minute, and the interval between "serving fork". It equipped by Microchip Cortex M3 ST Micro electronic and capacitive detection, so if you eat too fast this fork will vibrate once and the LED light flashes twice.

That information can then be uploaded via USB to the online dashboard on your laptop or your mobile phone to show the progress you make. But hapilabs is also seeking to use bluetooth technology. HAPIfork also comes with an application HAPILABS coupled with a training program to help you eat better and change your eating habits. There are several color choices on offer, there are white, black, blue, pink, and green. However, at this time, HAPIfork still in pre-order for a store that sells products HAPILabs will start selling on 1 April 2013. HAPIfork awarded the Design & Engineering Showcase Honors 2013 in Innovation International CES.

Here are the specs of HAPIfork, according to the official website of Hapilabs:
  • Length: 7.87 inches / / 200 mm
  • Width: 1 inch / / 24.5 mm
  • Height: 2/3 inches / / 15.70 mm
  • Weight: 0.14 pounds / / 65 grams
Electronic Key:
  • Micro USB connector
  • Lithium Batterie Polymere + 7.3 V
  • Microchip Cortex M3 ST Micro electronic
  • capacitive detection
  • Return to the user: 1 + 2 leds vibrator
  • 2 component plastic shells

Why do we need to eat more slowly?

Presiden HAPIlabs Carton Andrew said, "Most people eat faster than it should. They don't realize that eating too fast is not a healthy behavior. The negative habits also affect other things like digestive problems and weight gain."
woman using HAPIfork

Eating too fast is one of the habits you should remove if you want a successful diet program. I once wrote that a person will feel full after 20 minutes since the first time he chewed food. So, if we eat faster, then we will also eat be more and more. It better we eat more frequent small meals, rather than eating only once in a large portion.

So if you're having trouble slowing down your eating, maybe the HAPIfork could be one of your solution. Keep healthy everyone. :)

Image credit by : Hapilabs

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A Message From A Friend

Today I get a text message from a college friend of mine, Albert. He was my best friend when i was active in the student organization. It seems, been a while we did not meet. Let alone meet, over the phone or social media, we very rarely communicate to each other. But suddenly this afternoon he sent a short message content, "Apparently, diet program using oatmeal was very effective for my weight loss" I immediately smiled when I read the message. I remember, it was the last time we talked together, when we talk about belly fat. And he surprised with my thinner body. Then I tell him the steps I took, especially about the oatmeal, which I take as a principal source of carbohydrate.

Then we continued our conversation via text message. He said that his father was sentenced to suffer from diabetes, so his father had to undergo a healthy diet. So, increase again the people who suffer from diabetes, and it comes from my close relatives. Indeed, a diabetic should change their diet pattern, if they does not want the disease eating away their body. Staple food in my country is white rice, while white rice is one type of simple carbohydrate that could be one factor causing diabetes. Thus, the father of Albert replace his staple food into oatmeal. At first, it is quite difficult to change the habit. But after getting used, it can provide very positive results.

Indeed, Albert had felt anxious about his belly condition. Because many of our friends are when they graduate college and entering the workforce, then their bodies grew fat. Albert was ever told me, that his weight had increased. So he lured to follow the diet as his father did. He was also consuming oatmeal, and the results were successfully dropped weight by 3 kg for 1 month. Albert was the person who rarely exercise. He doesn't have the endomorph body shape, so he was not easily fat. However, when people are really in an irregular diet,  the fat can be very easy to accumulate. Especially when a young man had graduated from college, then the activity will tend to decline. Even an owner of ectomorph body will also have excess fat around the stomach, or just have an enlarged stomach, while other body parts are not.

Somehow, now I will feel very happy when I heard someone change the pattern of their life into a healthier lifestyle. In fact I would be very happy to give some suggestions, although I did not take an advantage from it. Especially when it comes from family or my friends. It feels like there is a certain satisfaction.

Disease doesn't know age. Anyone and any time, you could have been stricken with a terrible disease, if you have an unhealthy habit. No exception for diabetes. Diseases previously known to only attack the middle-aged, but it's now not uncommon to young people who also have diabetes. Even people with the disease is likely to increase each year with increasing levels of obesity in the world. If people who were thin it can be exposed to the disease of diabetes, then it is likely it will be multiplied when they have a fat body.

There is no harm in living a healthy lifestyle. All you need to do is resist your carnality, and acting out of your habit. My friend above made ​​aware through her ​​father's condition. However, whether we have to wait for the disease to come first, then we have to start to live healthy? Should not we prevent than cure?

Monday, January 21, 2013

About Reconstruction Plastic Surgery

plastic surgery women
Plastic surgery is one option attainment of beauty is very popular in recent decades. Plastic surgery is an operation carried out with the aim to improve the shape or function of certain body parts. For example, damage caused by burns, causing adhesions occurs in the joints, then plastic surgery was undertaken in order for the joint to function again. However, as the development of the times, there was a shift from the goal of this operation. The shifting goal turned into cosmetic surgery and physical construction surgery. Therefore, it's not surprisingly if this surgery is very popular performed by people who work in the entertainment world, such as artists and musicians. This operation also cost quite expensive. Uniquely, plastic surgery is not only done by women only, men who do it are also not uncommon.

Plastic surgery was introduced about two centuries ago. However, began to tune in around 1950 and 1960. Then, the number increasing and growing. Clearly, technological factors play a factor, because the level of sophistication and security of these operations is increasing. Despite the increasing sophistication, but plastic surgery still have a terrible risk. Risks that often happens is the risk of infection. This risk is usually occurs after surgery and probably not the fault of the doctor or due to deliberate. However, the infection can cause the patient to feel very sick and require them to undergo more surgery as a result of other complications.

Plastic surgery on the eyelids

Man is never satisfied. For the purpose of beauty, the reconstructive surgery is often done is Blepharoplasty. It is surgery of the eyelids in order to look younger and brighter. This operation is often performed on a swollen eye, the deep eyes, and looked tired. For example on a swollen eye, this condition can be corrected by removing fat around the eyes. In the deep eye conditions, surgery can be done by removing the excess skin so that the skin around the eyes becomes tighter. Even the surgery can make small eyes become wider.

Everyone has different goals in doing plastic surgery. Therefore, the procedure adopted by each person is also different. In some cases require cutting some skin, while also there are cases that require removal of fatty tissue around the eyes, and even some cases also require the intervention of the muscles that move the eye lids to attract the down eyelid . I myself was a very supportive natural beauty, and not agree with plastic surgery. But if it had to do plastic surgery, before you do it, you need to have careful planning. My advice, do not just involve a plastic surgeon, but you also need other specialists such as an ophthalmologist and dermatologist.

Blepharoplasty is also risky. Risks that may occur due to a small mistake examples are as follows:
  • Blindness. This risk arises due to bleeding in the fatty tissue around the eyes.
  • Blurred vision. This can happen because it is caused by irritation or swelling of the damage to the eye muscles.
  • Dry eyes. This result occurs because the eyelid can not close completely. Automatically, you will have difficulty to close my eyes.
  • Corneal erosion. This risk also occurs because the eye is not fully closed when operating procedure done.

Plastic surgery are much favored by women

Plastic surgery is often done by women is breast augmentation surgery, or also called mammaplasty augmentation . This operation is performed by placing an implant behind each breast to increase its volume and enhance its position. Indeed, the breast is a sensitive part of a woman is often used as the object of their confidence.

There are several types of implants that can be used. An example is the silicone gel-filled implants, with a smooth surface or a textured one, often used in breast augmentation. In the United States, most of them using a saline filled implant, which consists of silicone shell filled, which sterilized with salt water. In addition, there is also a combination of silicone gel gilled and saline filled  (siltex becker mentor).

However, the type of implant is the most widely used is the texture hydrogel implant. A chemical which is used in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals. This breast implants are highly favored because it is available in various shapes and sizes. The form that became a favorite among women in the United States is a round shape. While the other forms that started a lot of rage is the contour profile. This form implant is considered a form that looks more natural. In addition, this implant requires only a small incision, because the implant will be filled by salt water after admission.

Every plastic surgery certainly a risk, no matter how you try to minimize the complications posed. Selection of the wrong implant will have a negative impact in the long term, the impact is affected by cancer. Whatever artificial beauty business women do, they will look beautiful when everything is natural (in my opinion). Because of something that is not natural, would not last long. In breast augmentation surgery, one day it will come times where you have to perform the operation again.

surgery procedure
In addition to breast augmentation surgery, the another surgery which is be the woman's favorite is the plastic surgery to reduce excess fat in the abdomen. This surgery is called a Tummy Tuck. The procedure is usually preceded by lipo suction. There are two types of tummy tuck, mini tummy tuck and a full tummy tuck.
  • Mini tummy tuck is usually performed on people with an excess of 10% of ideal body weight. This operation is performed to reduce excess fat and skin in the abdomen.
  • Full tummy tuck is usually performed on people with excess body weight by 30%. In this operation, in addition to reducing excess fat and skin, as well as performed surgery to tighten the muscles.
Of course, this operation also has risks. For example, a permanent surgical scar, hematoma or bleeding under the skin, infection, swelling, risk of anesthesia, numbness, fat necrosis, and nerve damage may also occur.

Beauty is something that can not be separated from women. And there is no doubt that most men adore possessed physical beauty of women. However, often in ways that are harmful to health are also taken in order to achieve the term "a perfect beauty". In my opinion, the perfect beauty is a beauty obtained in a natural way. Besides, beauty also radiates not only from physical but also inner beauty should be something to consider. And all options are back to yourself. If the natural methods by undergo a healthy lifestyle can be done, so why should endanger yourself?

healthy and pretty women

Friday, January 18, 2013

Joking With a Smoker

Smoker joke
For a heavy smoker, it's very difficult to leave the habit of smoking. Need a really strong motivation  to be able to escape it. They actually already know that smoking is something that is detrimental to health. However, they will endeavor to provide a wide range of reasons for self-defense. I have many friends who smoke. In fact, every time gather together, sometimes only me who did not smoke. They all love to joke. There are so many ridiculous arguments that made me laugh. Even the joke was as if giving a positive impression on cigarettes. So, let's joke with a smoker.
  1. There is an argument that has spread widely in general, that secondhand smoke is more dangerous than active smokers. So, you better be active smokers.
  2. We never met a murderer, a thief, or someone who fights while smoking. So, we can be sure that smokers are a good person. Therefore, smoking is capable of avoiding evil deeds.
  3. Reducing mortality. Did you ever meet people died while being in a position to smoke?
  4. Improving our good deeds. Because smokers will often lend their lighter. It would improve help each other, especially among fellow smokers.
  5. Adding a sense of familiarity. Many men who gather together and then share their cigarette with each other. Smoking is also suitable as preamble.
  6. You know that cigarettes provide jobs for tobacco farmers. But in fact, smoking is also providing jobs for employees of hospitals, nurses, doctors, and cough medicine factory.
  7. Office workers who smoke will have a greater risk that cigarette make a hole on their dress. Therefore, smoking can make us quickly have a new dress.
  8. Create such an atmosphere in the countryside on the air conditioning room, because the smoke seemed to make the room foggy.
  9. Train your patience. For beginners who want to smoke, they should be permitted to practice with the right patient, because at first they would coughing and choking.
  10. Used as an indicator of health. When you're sick, then you will be banned from smoking. So, people who smoke are in healthy condition.
  11. Adding coffee enjoyment, because smoking is the right coffee friend. (In fact the reality, they were the perfect combination so that you contract the deadly disease)
  12. Adding style of a cowboy in the movies. A cowboy would look cool if they act while smoking. Imagine if they act while eating a banana.
  13. No one is willing to accompany us during defecation, but the cigarette agreed to accompany a smoker by faithfully.
  14. As the inspiration to create a final assignment for a college student.
But it was a joke guys. Whatever the reason, smoking is not good for your health. Please don' try this at home. hehehe :)

Hopefully entertain you. And keep healthy everyone.

Reading and Writing Will Keep Your Memory

writing and reading

Writing and reading are the basic things that we learned when we were children. Although today there are also people who can not read and write, they are the ones who may not have been fortunate to be able to earn a decent living just like you. Obviously, those of you who came to visit at this blog is a person who can read and most likely familiar with the technology. However, this time I won't discuss about that thing. We will discuss how great the benefits of reading and writing for the durability of our memory, especially when later we get older.

As we grew older, can't be denied that the function of the organs of our body will decrease. The decline was also experienced no exception on our brains. Even the brain is the organ most at risk include decreased function. We know the brain is the organ that regulates all our activities. Any memory of our actions are stored in it. We can think well, if our brain works well too.  Dementia is a common problem experienced by older people. However, whether we can avoid dementia? Of course we can reduce the risks. Decline in function, it must have happened. But, the effort that we can do is slow down the process. Like the bones that must be trained with weight training in order to stay strong. Our brains also need to be trained in order to keep functioning properly maintained.

When you get older and begin to retire from your job, your activities will also usually reduced drastically. That's what causes more rapid brain degeneration. Reading and writing is an activity that will be very useful for your brain if it conducted regularly and continuously

By reading, indirectly will make our brains react to what we read. Therefore, people who love to read, usually still have good brain function as they enter old age. It doesn't wrong if you fill your free time by reading newspapers or magazines. It would be better if you love to read these types of books are more severe, such as novels or other literary works. My grandmother, my father's mother, was the one who likes to read literary works. She also loved to play crossword puzzles. Thus, she has a vast knowledge, and I still got some advices from her. Unlike the grandmother who came from the mother. He did not like to read. Therefore, even though they both have the same age, but they have different levels of dementia.

blogging activity

Writing is an activity which in my opinion, one level more effective to prevent brain degeneration. Because writing is an activity that really makes the brain work. I myself would like to continue to write when I grow older. In addition to exercise and keep up with technology, I also really love to write. Today we can take advantage of technological developments. Blogs are a great medium for writing. Blog is a type of website that everyone can have it. Either by free or paid blog. By writing on a blog, we unconsciously be reviewing our memories and knowledge, then we put it in writing. If you really work as a writer, of course it will be excellent if you keep earning till old age. Therefore, I am very happy with the people who have retired, but has an active blogging activity as their pastime.

student learning
I believe, those who keep using their brain in old age, they are the ones who have a small risk of dementia. Writing and reading is a powerful way to cope it. Learning is an ongoing process, not just the process that is performed only when we were still be a student. So start reading right now, whatever your favorite reading. And write, whatever your media. Blog or a novel or a short story or whatever. Then, your memory will continue to be honed.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Don't Punish Yourself When on a Diet

A healthy diet is something nice, keep it in your mind again. A healthy diet is not torture, it's not make you sick, and it doesn't harm you. And the one most important thing that should always be understood, that the diet does not reduce the size of the meal, but changing to become more balanced nutrition. Mental block is still a common problem and often I have encountered in the community.

Don't punish yourself

According to the eating habits, there are two types of people. The first is the person who does not care about their diet. And the second is the one who always pay attention to their diet. People who do not care about their diet, obviously they will have an increased risk of health problems is higher. However, Whether people who have noticed on their diet were guaranteed have better health?? The answer is not necessarily.

According to the results I observed in everyday life, especially among the general public, people who done the wrong diet method were more than the people who run a healthy diet correctly. Even people who work in the health field though, not a few of them are not running a healthy life.

Not a few of people who think that a healthy lifestyle as a terrible thing. As if they were in a military training center that implemented strictly. Maintain a healthy lifestyle with the tormented heart, it won't give positive results. When we were in military training, then we make a mistake, it's likely we will get a punishment. However, a healthy diet program is in contrast to military training. When we break the rules of our diet, we should not punish ourselves.

A healthy diet should be the pattern of our everyday life, as a basic rule of our eating habits. However, sometimes there is a situation that inadvertently make us have to take another path. Perhaps in the diet, you really avoid eating junk food. However, because there is a situation that requires you to eat junk food, so you break the rule. Don't take that as a huge mistake, so then you punish yourself. I also met some of my friends who are running the diet program, especially women, when they ate junk food, and then they punish themselves by not eating for a few days and exercise excessively.

When we punish ourselves, it means we assume that diet as something that curb. There are also some people who apply the "Cheating Day" or a holiday on the middle of diet program. They took one day as a gift from their diets. They make a rule, for example, every Sunday they are free to eat whatever they want. The reality is much more difficult to burn calories rather than burn calories. We can eat 1000 calories in 1 hour, but we can take 5 hours to burn. Instead of 5 hours, 1 hour exercise alone you have been very exhausted.

I myself have never felt guilty when I had to eat a plate of junk food. However, I still realized that the food I eat is not good. Remember! Everything is have a limit. The key is self-control. When we do not consider it as an error, then we should not be complacent, and continue to break the rules. It all depends on you. Because implementing a healthy diet will train control our passions, and make us more able to be critical.

So, keep maintain your health, everyone.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Tips For Beginners Who Practice Yoga

The biggest problem that we often face in doing something new is a pessimist before trying. When we're feeling pessimistic, in fact we would lose before the fight. In the world of health and fitness, we must continue to feel optimistic and have a positive attitude. So that we can get the best results. This article is addressed to those of you who want to start practicing yoga. I want to share my experience about practicing yoga, because I was a beginner in yoga practice.

Yoga is an activity that is more than just exercise. Even yoga have existed long long before you were born. When you actually have the intention to join a yoga class, or want to learn yoga by self-taught, then not only physical factors that you should be prepared. You also have to prepare mentally and have enough knowledge. Remember! to dispose of all your negative thoughts.

thinking yoga

Open your mind

Yoga is an art of classical physical exercise. You must open your mind to be able to establish a good mentality. It would be better if you throw away first all of your life problems. Leave your thoughts into a clean mind when we want to start practicing. We shouldn't think that yoga is an ancient type of exercise, and less relevant today. You should never underestimate yoga if you want to really learn it. Forget all your doubts and excessive expectations, then gradually you will get the benefits. In fact there are some people who think that yoga is a forbidden activity, as they relate to a particular religion. Of course we must be critical in addressing this opinion. Therefore, an open mind will be very important.

Don't worry about your body shape

Perhaps many of you who think that yoga can only be done by people who have a lean and athletic body. We should not think like that, because yoga can be done by everyone. We know that the one of our goals practicing yoga is to erode the body fat. The people often you see as the image model of yoga are the ones who practice diligently, they didn't suddenly can do that movements. Perhaps these people, at first also had full body fat.

And often we saw some of yoga pictures, that these images show a difficult movements. Because the movement is probably the upper level movements. For you are a beginner, you should try to move from the basic level. You don't need to afraid if you aren't currently have the flexibility of the body, because by itself it will be formed if we practice regularly and routinely. Sure, it can be a challenge for us, so that one day we can do the difficult movements that require a high level of flexibility.

Choosing a suitable type of yoga

When you want to start practicing yoga, and join a yoga class, it's a good idea to choose one type of flow yoga that you will focus on. There are many types of yoga flow, I don't know how many exactly, because yoga is also experiencing growth at any time. However, when I first practiced yoga, I prefer Hatha yoga, because this flow is a type of yoga that I first heard and it's quite common. Here are some examples of the flow of yoga that can be chosen by beginners.

yoga exercise

Hatha Yoga
This stream focuses on techniques asana (postures), pranayama (breath though), bandha (locks), mudras (gestures), and deep relaxation. Hatha goal is to maintain body balance alarm with five principles of yoga practice (Regularly practiced, breathe deep, well-balanced diet, adequate rest, positive thinking and meditation). This technique is very effective for reducing stress and train your concentration. At first, hatha yoga are very similar to meditation.

Bikram Yoga
This yoga is an unique type, because it must be done in a room temperature of 40 degrees Celsius. The place to practice is like a sauna which aims to make the body expend a lot of sweat, and aims to improve blood circulation. Bikram yoga consists of 26 poses performed systematically. This type of yoga is suitable for you who like to work up to sweat very much. Bikram yoga course is not suitable for those who have sensitivity to heat, and hypertension. For those of you who are experiencing an injury, is also not recommended to do bikram yoga.

Asthanga Yoga
System training on asthanga divided into 6 series of asana. Starting from a low level of difficulty, moderate, and higher. The advantage of this system is that we can practice in accordance with our respective capabilities. But for a beginner, it would be better if the movements are determined by the instructor. Asthanga yoga performed non-stop at high enough speeds. Thus, proper regulation of breath is also required. This type of yoga would be very much to burn calories and expend a lot of sweat. When we are proficient with these movements, don't keep on expecting guidance from the instructor. Maybe this flow is also suitable for those who practice self-taught.

So everyone, don't ever hesitate if you have a desire to practice yoga. Trust me, it would be a lot of benefits that we will get. Remember to always think positive! Keep healthy :)

Friday, January 11, 2013

This Unique Fruit is Called Kiwi Fruit

It's quite a long time I didn't eat kiwi fruit. Please don't mock me, because the last time I ate this fruit was about 6 years ago. Yesterday my aunt gave me a gift bag of kiwi fruit. There is no reason for me to refuse it. Because in my country, kiwi fruit be the one of fruit that is quite expensive. Not all the fruit merchants selling this fruit. So long i didn't eat this fruit, even I almost forgot how to eat this fruit (hehehe, do I really embarrassing?).
kiwi fruit

The uniqueness of kiwi fruit

The fruit that comes from China is also known as the "Chinese Gooseberry". I think that kiwifruit similar to sapodilla fruit. But it has more rounded shape than sapodilla, and on the outside there are fine hairs (fuzzy skin). I really like the green color of flesh that is fresh, and there are black small seeds surrounding it. So, there are many people who make kiwi fruit slices as garnish on top of their cake. I think the most unique of the kiwi fruit is the flavor. Why did I say unique, because when we ate kiwi fruit, first it will be very sweet, but then it could turn into a fresh sour taste. The soft texture and the distinctive aroma, add to the uniqueness of this fruit.

The benefits

In addition to the uniqueness of the flavor, kiwi fruit is also rich in health benefits. Since kiwi fruit also contain vitamins and minerals like fruits generally. Kiwi fruit contains a lot of  vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamin B6, folate, and calcium. Even levels of vitamin C in the kiwi fruit 17 times more than apples, and 2 times more than oranges. The content of vitamin C that causes the kiwi fruit has a pretty sour taste. Levels of vitamin E in kiwi fruit is also equivalent to the avocado. We know that vitamin C and vitamin E are antioxidants, which function in skin care because it prevents premature aging and prevent cancer. Other antioxidants contained in kiwi fruit are carotenoids, lutein, xantofil, and flavonoids. The amount of antioxidants contained in kiwi fruit ranks third after the oranges and grapes.

Useful addition to skin care, kiwi fruit is also widely consumed by pregnant women. Because of kiwi fruit contains folate which is good for the development of the fetus. In addition, kiwi fruit also has a fairly low glycemic index, making it safe for diabetics to consume it.

For those of you who are running a low-calorie diet program, kiwi fruit may also be consumed because it has a fairly small amount of energy, which is about 61 calories per 100 grams. Even this number is smaller than the amount of energy in oranges, grapes, and bananas. But slightly higher than the strawberry, lemon, and papaya.

The another uniqueness of kiwi fruit is contain of enzyme actinidin. This enzyme is an enzyme whose function is to digest proteins to be more easily digested by the body. Of course, all of us want the protein we eat well absorbed, In order to fix the cells of our bodies as well. Actinidin enzyme can also be used to tenderize meat. Yes, because many proteins contained in meat. Kiwifruit also contains the amino acid arginine and glutamate. Arginine is useful for lowering blood pressure and improving blood flow. And in fact, the arginine can also be used as a cure for impotence symptoms.

Choosing a good kiwi fruit

According to Hazleton Laboratories America, here are tips on choosing a good kiwi fruit :
  • Choose kiwi fruit with a moist and plump look.
  • Choose kiwi fruit that gives slightly to firm, broad pressure from the flat of the palm or extended fingers.
  • Choose kiwi fruit that is free of wrinkles. Wrinkles are an indication that water has been lost and, with it, both quality and good nutrition have been affected.
  • Choose kiwi fruit that are free of soft spots, cuts and bruises. Water spots or marks on the skin's surface have no significance.

Here is a table of kiwi fruit nutrition per 100 grams (3.5 oz) :

Nutrient Amount
Energy 61 kcal (260 kJ)
Carbohydrates 14.66 g
Sugars 8.99 g
Dietary fiber 3.0 g
Fat 0.52 g
Protein 1.14 g
Thiamine (vit. B 1 ) 0.027 mg (2%)
Riboflavin (vit. B 2 ) 0.025 mg (2%)
Niacin (vit. B 3 ) 0.341 mg (2%)
Vitamin B 6 0.063 mg (5%)
Folate (vit. B 9 ) 25 µg (6%)
Vitamin C 92.7 mg (112%)
Vitamin E 1.5 mg (10%)
Vitamin K 40.3 µg (38%)
Calcium 34 mg (3%)
Iron 0.31 mg (2%)
Magnesium 17 mg (5%)
Phosphorus 34 mg (5%)
Potassium 312 mg (7%)
Sodium 3 mg (0%)
Zinc 0.14 mg (1%)
Source from : USDA Nutrient Database

So, I am not wrong to say that the kiwi fruit is an unique fruit and rich in benefits instead? :)

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Practicing Yoga on The Beach

people doing yoga on the beach
Indeed Yoga can be done anywhere, as long as there is enough space, then we can do yoga exercises. However, there is one thing that caught my attention. When I type the keyword "yoga" in the search engines, especially in image search, so many photos of people doing yoga on the beach. Of course this makes me curious, why are so many people who have pictures of yoga exercises on the beach? From these pictures, there are a variety of poses. Some of them practicing yoga on the shoreline, practicing when the sun goes down, and there are those who practice yoga on the edge of the cliff above the beach.

Initially I had thought that it was just for a good perspective only, for a background that has a broad horizon. Of course, the ocean can be a nice background images. Then I started looking for information on the internet, what exactly are the advantages doing yoga on the beach. But I didn't find a satisfactory answer. But I found some testimonial comments on some websites of popular beach. Or testimonial for hotels located near the coast. Many have commented, the location is very good for doing yoga. And these comments makes me more curious.

My country is an island nation, then I won't have trouble finding attractions beach in my place. The nearest beach that i can visit is the south coast of Java. I live in Central Java, and very close to Yogyakarta. In Yogyakarta, there are many beaches that are be a favorite attraction. For example are Parangtritis beach, Depok Beach, Baron Beach, Indrayanti Beach, and many other coastal attractions. Even some of them more beautiful than Kuta beach in Bali (in my opinion). Therefore, it's not uncommon there are many tourists from various countries who visit there.

2 Months ago I visited Depok Beach. My curiosity was finally satisfied. I can try to do yoga there. And it feels really different when you are doing yoga in the room. The atmosphere in  there was also support me, since I visited in the morning, shortly after sunrise, and the beach is still not crowded with tourists. Doing some yoga asanas accompanied by the sound of waves and wind, it's really gives enjoyment. This feeling became more calm, the mind becomes more open. Doing yoga is much more fun when done in the open. Natural atmosphere, it gives an aura of its own. It looks like I found the answer at that time. More than just for taking good photographs, or graphic beauty. But because doing yoga on the beach gives a different spirit.

These are some photos I took with the help of my friend uses his pocket camera :

Yoga on the beach 1

Yoga on the beach 2

Yoga on the beach 3

For those who are fond of doing yoga, or a professional Yogi, maybe it's something usual. But for me that is still new to learn yoga, it's a great first experience. What is clear, doing yoga can be done anywhere. What is important is the goal to obtain your physical and mental health.

So, keep healthy everyone. :)

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Athletic Body, Is It Just a Style?

Maybe some people have an idea that athletic body belongs only an athlete only. Even some people are also skeptical of the owner of an athletic body that is not an athlete. They assume it is just for a style. So, why do we have athletic body? Is it true it's just for a style?

Athletic body
Maybe it's true, there are some people that make up his body just to beautify the appearance alone. People with such orientation is usually to take instant ways, and tend to take shortcuts. They tend to do a wrong diet and rely on the consumption of drugs. In contrast to those who have an orientation to health, they will do a healthy diet, and prefer doing natural ways by doing regular exercises. They tend to be more patient and not demanding instant results.

For men, it's not a secret that many of those who aspire to the ideal body and athletic body. Deep in the heart of a man whose chubby, surely they also have the desire to have a good body shape, it's just that they have not been able to carry out the requirements that must be done.

If anyone says, "Although I am fat, but the important thing is my body stay healthy."

How do you respond to the above statement? Do you agree with the sentence above?

I know this is a sensitive thing, but it's a reality. What must be known is, a person who has a healthy lifestyle may not have a fat body. Even if the person is rarely exercise, but if he has a healthy diet, then he would have a quite ideal body. However, it is very rare people who like it. Because people who have a healthy diet, usually automatically he will also realize the importance of exercise.

Indeed there are many people who suffer from obesity, but he still claims that he is healthy. Obesity is like a time bomb, which at times could explode. People suffering from obesity was like a cave which contains a sleeping ferocious monster. When we woke up the monster, then he will berserk and destroy everything. It was the truth. All of it is just a matter of time. Obese people already have an investment in their future disease. Indeed, people who have athletic body doesn't guarantee that he will be spared from the disease. But at least, that person is already reducing the risk for having diseases such as osteoporosis, heart disease, stroke and diabetes.

people in a public place

Indeed, the general public still lack awareness of it. We can see when we are visiting downtown or when we're walking around in the mall. Look there, then the people who potbellied be more dominant than the people who has particularly ideal and athletic body. Such a phenomenon is not only happening in one country alone.

If that people with athletic body just want to simply style, then why are they not at the centers of the crowd to show off? They prefer to be in the gym, or in a quiet place to meditate. Athletic body should not be owned by an athlete. Ordinary people may also have it. And if we can keep it, then this will be a very good investment in the future to ward off various of terrible diseases. So, it would not hurt you have athletic body instead? But of course with the condition, grab it in a natural way.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Push Up to Train Chest Muscle Strength

push up training
Push ups are one of the types of body weight training, that is weight training using our own body weight as the burden. Push is a very popular practice, because these exercises can be done anywhere, anytime, and can be done without any special tools. Push ups are a strength training refers to large-muscle building, especially in the chest. In addition, the push-ups can also train the muscles of the back, shoulders, arms and abdomen. Although this exercise is quite well known, but not rarely, there are people who did the wrong position. The body is not straight is a mistake that many people do.

In addition to muscles, push-up exercises are also believed to have many benefits for health. Among such as preventing osteoporosis, we know that weight training is an exercise that strengthens bones, and it will feel when we get older. For men, push-up exercises will help to increase testosterone levels. Of course this will increase a man's virility.

Push ups have a lot of variations, and these variations depending on the muscle movements that want to be trained. In the chest muscles, we need more specific exercises for each part. The specific parts of the chest that were trained to produce great results is the upper area, lower area, and internal area. Thus the required push-up variation is different also.

To train the upper chest, we do the standard push-ups. To train the lower chest, we can use the decline push-ups or push-ups with your feet in place on the seat. To train the internal area, we can do close grip push-ups. There was also a wide-grip push-ups that reach a wider chest muscles, as well as the shoulders and triceps. Here's how to do the movements push ups.

Regular Push Up
regular push up
  • Position your body, face down like the picture above.
  • Straighten your legs and your body.
  • Stretch your hands shoulder width apart.
  • Then start to bend your elbows so that your upper body down and almost touching the floor.
  • Then return to the starting position and repeat the movement.

Decline Push Up
decline push up
  • Provide a bench or a gym ball to put your feet.
  • Take a prone position as in the regular push up and put your feet on the bench.
  • Straighten your body and your feet.
  • Stretch your hands shoulder width apart.
  • Then start to bend your elbows so that your upper body down and almost touching the floor.
  • Then return to the starting position by straightening arms.

Close Grip Push Up
Close Grip Push Up
  • Position your body, face down like the picture above.
  • Straighten your body and your feet.
  • Put your hand in front of your chest so that your thumb and index finger under your chest.
  • Then start to bend your elbows so that your upper body down and almost touching the floor.
  • Then return to the starting position and repeat the movement.

Wide Grip Push Up
Wide Grip Push Up
  • Position your body, face down like the picture above.
  • Straighten your body and your feet.
  • Widen your hands, approximately 20 cm to the left and to the right of your shoulder.
  • Then start to bend your elbows so that your upper body down and almost touching the floor.
  • Then return to the starting position and repeat the movement.

That kind of push-up movements, which struck me as being a base before you learn the variations of other movements that have a higher level of difficulty. There is one important thing to do push-ups and other weight-bearing exercise, that is the setting of respiratory. Setting it up by take a breath on the movement of light and breathe out on the heaviest part. Moreover, the straight posture should always be considered.

Don't impose higher quantity if you are not familiar or you're new in doing push-ups. 10-12 reps x 4 sets may be an amount sufficient to do your exercise. You better have a set amount that much although the number of reps a bit, rather than the number of repetitions that many but only a few sets.

For the best workout results, practice it regularly. Keep healthy, everyone.