Monday, October 29, 2012

What Is The Purpose of Our Diet?

What is my purpose?
If there is a question, "What is the purpose of your diet?". Most people would probably answer: In order to lose my weight; to reach my ideal weight; to shape my body looks better: to support the muscle formation of my body, or other physical reasons. Yes, most people who go on a diet may be only oriented in any physical changes.

I was also like that before, running the diet program is only oriented to the physical shape of my body only. However, I do often feel impatient. Thus, feelings of dissatisfaction often comes to mind when I look at my body that do not change. The effect is the diet often fail, because my impatience. Actually my body shape has changed, but because i'm too often see on the mirror, it makes me become accustomed to seeing the shape of my body, so as if no change.

My experience above was only a welcome overview of my opinion that I want to say. I think the diet will get maximum results if we oriented to our long-term health. Judging from my experience, that when I do the diet and exercise just to achieve the goal of physical change, it will be less good for impatient people like me. Actually, this is just a matter of changing a perception.

If you are a bodybuilding athlete, of course, diet and exercise you should focus on the physical changes. However, for ordinary people like me, and not an athlete, it seems oriented towards health will be better. In fact, if we do exercise and diet in order to obtain long-term health, and we do it right, the ideal body shape we must also be able to achieve.

I think that the ideal body shape would be a bonus in our diet program that aims to achieve long-term health. Therefore, if only to get the ideal form, we can perform liposuction, or use drugs. Of course it is not good for health. Indeed, we will get results quickly, and if you run a diet in a focus for health purposes, we'll get the ideal body shape a longer. However, I believe in the philosophy, "If we get something easily and quickly, we will also lose it easily and quickly, too. However, if we get something with effort and the time is not instant, it will last longer with us."

I just want to give advice, lets do a diet program for the sake of our health. Wouldn't you want a healthy body performance for a long time? If you want an instant results, I am sure that the diet you do is going to torture you. So, have you set the purpose of your diet?

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Organs Are Attacked When Broken Heart

illustration of broken heart
Broken heart, is something that everyone feared in a love relationship. In fact, it's been referred to as "broken heart syndrome". Have you ever had a broken heart? If so, what do you feel?. What if your relationship suddenly disconnected by your mate? Moreover, it disconnected in a way that is not good and painful. Maybe your feelings become chaotic and all-round bad. However, although the term is "broken heart", whether our liver organ were really badly affected. Have you ever thought that if we were gutted, part of our body organs which are completely exposed to the ill effects?.

1. Brain organ
When you have a broken heart, a part of our brain called "secondary somatosensory cortex" will go get the bad effects. If you still like to see pictures of your ex, and stalking on social media, the blood will start flowing to the brain's pleasure center. But at the same time, blood will also flow to the "secondary somatosensory cortex". Because of this, your body will get some reactions like aches and pains, muscle pain, and other pain.

2. Stomach
Perhaps some of you,ever experienced a nausea while broken heart. Broken heart will fishing a stress, and this stress caused will also stimulate the rise of stomach acid in the stomach.  Because of a broken heart, the brain will send a signal to remain full, so make your appetite decreases. Therefore, the broken hearted often become thin and pale.

3. Hair
Depression that caused by excessive broken heart, can damage your hair. This is because some hair follicles will experience a "resting phase" and stopped growing for a while. And hair loss becomes very possible.

4. Skin
Broken heart will stimulate an increase in the hormone cortisol which causes clogging of the skin pores by oil. Moreover, the stress hormones are also increased. Of course, this combination will greatly provoke the acne to arises on the face.

5. Heart organ
It's horrible when the heart suddenly stops when a broken heart, it will lead to death. This is possible, because the broken heart can narrow the coronary arteries and damage the blood circulation. It can also electrocute the bottom of the main pumping chamber of the heart and forcing the top to work harder to compensate. Even studies in the UK, said that about 2 percent of heart attacks suffered by 300 thousand people due to broken heart syndrome.

6. Hormonal systems
When you are disconnected by your mate, the adrenal glands will react by activating the hormone cortisol and adrenaline which served to increase the stress. If you feel a sense of disappointment that the more severe and in a very long time, then the both combination would be more numerous and stronger.

7. Immune system
When you have a broken heart, you may be more susceptible to disease. this is because there is damage to your immune system, cell damage and inflammation. Guards immunity in the body become chaotic and unstable. Damage may occur when you are surprised at the first time you heard the phrase "it's over" or "we're done".

Therefore we must remain calm in the face of broken heart. In a love relationship, broken heart is a reasonable possibility occurs, because we humans can not really know who the right partner for us. Think logically, although it will be very difficult. Keep in touch with friends and family, so the problem you have is not just buried in your own self. Try to face with a smile. :) 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Effects Of Sleep Deprivation

The Effects Of Sleep Deprivation
The work is piling up and so short deadlines, making me have to often work overtime. The effect is a few days I had to sleep late. The time for sleep is becoming increasingly shorter. That's why a few days ago as well, I can not write on my blog OutsetHealth, and my other blog. And a lot of health effects for which I feel, especially in terms of concentration of thought. So, what are the effects of sleep deprivation?

Our concentration power will be reduced. This effect is the most I feel, our mind becomes difficult to focus on one thing. Due to decreased concentration, this result also decreased our creativity. Decreasing of concentration power also makes our ability to solve the problem becomes worse, common sense also decreased, and the most annoying is that we become forgetful. Sleep at night plays a role in the process of strengthening our memory, if we lack sleep, of course this would be very detrimental.

1. If we lack of sleep and we drive a private vehicle, of course this will be very dangerous. Sleepy while driving will bring us closer to an accident. I recommend, if you're very sleepy, consider using public transport. Your life would be more valuable.

2. Sleep deprivation makes us more prone to depression. This makes us more sensitive and more easily provoked emotions. When we are facing many problems and at the same time we are lack of sleep, this would be a good stressors. People who sleep less will be easier to get angry.

3. The skin will be pale and cause dark circles in the eye. This effect may be that we often see in people who experience sleep deprivation, there is a black circle in both their eyes, and skin becomes dull and pale look. As we often discuss, that sleeping at night is a time for our body repair the damaged cells. So, if we cutting our bedtime, the time to repair the damaged cells will also be reduced. Sleep deprivation will stimulate the body to produce excess cortisol, a hormone that breaks down the protein and collagen (factors that make the skin smooth and elastic).

4. Lack of sleep will lead to obesity. If we sleep late, usually we will feel hungry, and then usually we often do not pay attention to the nutrients we eat. And when we do not sleep with overtime reason, we will be looking for snacks to make us avoid drowsiness. Of course this will spur the accumulation of calories in the body. And when we perform daily activities in the morning and during the day, your body will be easier to feel hungry. Just just like the skin becomes pale, obesity will also be affected by protein breakdown  by cortisol. When protein is broken down, it will make our muscles will become more slack.

5. Various studies have also been conducted to determine the effects on a variety of serious health problems caused by sleep deprivation. Acute insomnia sufferers, had a higher risk of heart disease problems, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, diseases of the bladder, and cancer.

So, it is very important to meet the needs of your sleep. Sleep with enough, at least you should sleep for 6 hours, and the maximum sleep for 9 hours. The ideal time to sleep is approximately 7-8 hours. Surely, a good sleep will affect the quality of your health, don't let your body lack of sleep, but also don't overdo.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Exercising When We Got Flu

Exercise when we got flu
Weather now is very difficult to predict, in my country is currently experiencing the transition season, from summer to rainy season. Transition season does make us vulnerable to disease. 2 days ago I was exposed to rain, and the next day I got the flu. And that day was my exercise schedule. I am lucky, because I just had the flu and was not accompanied by fever.

Why do I say lucky only had the flu? because if i have a flu accompanied by fever, then I can not exercise. When we are sick, our immune system will decrease, it will certainly affect the stamina and endurance of the body. Thus when we have the symptoms of flu with fever, we are advised not to do exercise, because in addition to avoiding transmission to others, exercise in such conditions will only slow down the recovery process.

However, if you got flu without fever, mild cardio exercise to moderate it will help you to recover more quickly, because exercise can relieve nasal congestion, giving the effect of relax and not tense, and increase immunity. Of course this will help your respiratory tract.

However, even though we only got the flu, we still can not assume lightly. We still can't exercise the same as when we are in a healthy condition. Therefore, do not exercise too hard, the recommended is light cardio. Keep your intake of food and nutrients for your bodies, because if we attacked by the flu, usually this will make our appetite reduced. The water intake should also not be forgotten, so that our body well hydrated, because there is often mistakenly, that drinking water will make the flu get worse. And most importantly, if we feel dizzy when we exercise, quickly stopped, so it does not cause the flu more severe.

You have to be smart to know and get to know the condition of your body, because a good physical exercise will keep us from disease and makes your body become more robust in the face of disease. So, keep healthy :)

Friday, October 19, 2012

Protein Deficiency Causes Hair Loss

suffering hair loss
Inevitably, our hair is the crown of our head. Everyone wants a good and healthy hair. Not just women who want to have nice hair, men are now also pay attention to the appearance of hair. Even a soccer player from England, Wayne Rooney did a hair transplant, to make it becomes more dense. The hairs on our head numbered approximately 100,000 strands and each strand grows in 2 to 6 years. And every day, we will experience hair loss. "However, what if we are experiencing an excessive hair loss?" Yes, this will result in a bald head.

I have been also experienced in hair loss before. Every time I comb my hair, there must be a fall 2 pieces or more. I think my hair does have the disorder, but now I'm confused, why? Because my hair is not easy to fall off like it used to be, while i  was never treat my hair. I talked to my friend who lectures in medicine, and I told him about the diet I was doing, because he was ask me about the changes in my body shape. Then I also talked about my hair, and it turns out my diet affects the health of my hair. so, what is the relationship between diet and hair loss? Protein is the answer.

There are several causes of hair loss, them is because factor of hormone / descent ; the result of chemotherapy; disease and infection; and the lack of protein. When you do not have a bloodline relatives who suffer from baldness, or you're not in the treatment of chemotherapy, or you are not suffering from a skin disease or infection in your head, but your hair loss is excessive. The greatest likelihood is that you lack of protein.

Protein is an essential nutrient for the growth of the cells in our body, especially hair, because the hair structure consisting of 97% protein. Protein deficiency is one cause of hair loss is the most common. Typically, for those of you who made ​​a mistake in the diet, such as avoiding chicken, fish, eggs, and milk; then suddenly you are suffering from hair loss, it can be sure that you're start running low on protein. For that, please learn the concept of diet properly.

So how do we fix this? The answer is very obvious, you should add protein consumption. You have to eat 100 grams to 300 grams of meat, fish, or other protein sources of  per day. And most people, especially my country, only able to meet 50-60% of that amount. If you are not able to consume meat or fish for that amount, you could consume high-protein milk is low in fat and sugar as other sources.

For those of you who are currently suffering from excessive hair loss, don't panic. The possibility of your hair is experiencing a lack of protein, then immediately add your protein intake, and do the right diet. And then, see the results whether your hair loss is reduced or not.

Have a nice day. :)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Hiking To The Lawu Mountain

Top Of Lawu Mountain
Hiking is a fun activity for me, besides as a holiday activity, I also think of as sports activities. This time I will share my experience in 2011, the exact date is July 11. I did the climb with 7 of my friends from KMKath Mountaineering Club (KMC). At that time my weight was 72 kg, and I am still be an active smokers. And indeed, at that time, i have any trouble in regulating my breathing and stamina, hehehe. :)

Lawu mountain is Mount which is located in Indonesia, precisely the border between Central Java and East Java Province. Lawu was Mountains fire "break" and had been inactive. Lawu has an altitude of 3265 m above sea level, the highest peak is "Hargo Dumilah". Besides "Hargo Dumilah", Mount Lawu also has two other peaks, namely "Hargo Dalem" and "Hargo Dumiling". On the slopes, there are a number of popular tourist attractions such as Tawangmangu, Cemorosewu, Astana Giribangun and Sarangan.

lawu mountain from far
Lawu storing various scenic beauty, with Edelweiss flowers are beautiful. And there are some challenging beauty as in "Kawah Mati (dead crater)" and "Kawah Kuning (yellow crater)". There are two hiking trails to the peak, which is "Cemoro Kandang" and "Cemoro Sewu". At that time we, KMC chose "Cemoro Kandang" as a route to climb to the top. Meanwhile, as we descended from the peak, we passed the line "Cemoro Sewu". While descending from the summit, I have an unique experience, my hat suddenly disappeared from my head, whereas before, the hat was still there my head, and only briefly then disappeared. This made me confused. hehehe

around the peak Lawu
Like the majority of the mountain in the world, especially in Indonesia,  Lawu has also some myths. Lawu has a mystery in each of the three main peaks, it be a place mythologized as sacred places in Java Island, and as a place to meditate ancient Javanese kings, especially the kingdom of Majapahit.  "Hargo Dalem" believed as a place of "King Bhrawijaya" be imprisoned, while "Hargo Dumiling" as a place of "Ki Sabdopalon" be imprisoned, while "Hargo Dumilah" is a full of mystery place which is often used as a place of meditation.

landscape in post 4 "Cemoro sewu"
At that time, we would like to pursue the time to reach the peak before sunrise, so that we can enjoy the beautiful view of the sunrise from the top of Lawu. But amid the journey, which is in post 4, we met up with another group that consists of 3 people, and one of them suddenly ill. One of them said that his friend underfed before climbing the mountain. However, the sick man told us that before he got sick, she took an item lying on the go. One important thing we need to understand every mountain climbing, that we must understand the written and unwritten prohibition, the rules of action and words. And do not take an arbitrary objects while climbing the mountain. All the negative things that we do can be bad for us and the group.

hargo dumilah 11 july 201
KMC finally arrived at the summit "Hargo Dumilah" before noon. Lunch and a short rest at the top, then down the mountain in the daytime through the "Cemoro Sewu" line and arrived at the bottom at night. Then we had dinner together and slept in the base camp. 

This activity is exhausting, but it made ​​our bodies to be healthy, didn't it ?. It is suitable for you who like adventure. Being healthy by understanding the nature. Keep Healthy :)

Monday, October 15, 2012

How Does The Fat Burning Process In The Body

"Have you ever imagined how the fat in our body dumped?"
Illustration of burning fats
Do you think the fat will be removed in the form of sweat? So for those of you who think so, you will try to sweat a lot during the day. And you will run using a heavy jacket on a sunny day that you produce so much sweat soaked body. You've produced a lot of sweat every day, but why do you keep body fat?. Or do you think the fat will be excreted through the feces? Then for those of you who think that way, you will regularly take laxatives, so you often go to the toilet, then the fat come discharged with feces. However, why my stomach is still bloated?. Hahaha, I used to also think like that. ;)

But we need to know, the reality is the fat will not be disposed of in liquid form. So for those of you who think that running in daylight using a thick jacket, when temperatures are very hot and scorching sun, in fact you will only throw body fluids only. And it would be very dangerous if you do not quickly replace fluids that you spend, you can become dehydrated. And fat is also not excluded as feces or urine.

Fats are energy reserves to be used if the primary energy in the body is exhausted. What is the main energy source in the body? namely carbohydrates and sugars. After sugar and carb depleted, then the fat will be used as energy. Carbohydrates and sugars will be exhausted by the time we wake up after sleeping at night, or it could be spent in the weight training.

Then, What is the organ in the body which becomes fat burner tool? Muscles become a factor whether the fat can be burned into energy quickly or not. MUSCLE IS LIKE A STOVE. Imagine if you have a stove for more, then you can also boil more water as well. The more solid and a lot of your muscle fibers, the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) will be higher. The higher your BMR level, then your metabolism will be higher as well, and the energy-burning process will get better.

And good technique to burn fat into energy is the moderate exercise, not strenuous exercise. Because strenuous exercise use carbohydrates for energy. The example of moderate exercise is jogging or brisk walking using a treadmill. So, let's burn your belly fat. Be healthy :)

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Getting a Natural Beauty By Doing Fitness Exercise

Women Doing an Exercise
Inevitably, that beauty is something inherent in women. Beauty from the outside is something that can make a woman look more confident. Therefore, many women are trying to gain and maintain their beauty through a variety of ways. They will go to the salon for a body treatment, using many of cosmetics, taking drugs, and even some of them doing a plastic surgery. Even in Korea, plastic surgery has become a common thing among celebrities.

I as a young man certainly looks like women who are physically beautiful. But in my opinion, the natural beauty will be different when compared to the beauty of the result of the treatment. I have many female friends who are under 20 years old who use excessive makeup at a young age. Using make-up is necessary for women, even at a young age. However, if used in excess, I feel a little weird.

When using makeup for the sake of entertainment, for a job as a celebrity or enternainer maybe it is normal, but if only for the socially normal day-to-day, it will feel strange in my country, especially in the area that is not a metropolitan city.

On the other hand, I also have some female friends, which use the make-up without one, they still look beautiful naturally. You must have guessed what I will write next. Yes, they always incorporate fitness exercises in the list of their daily activities. Most of them are like me, who are aware of a healthy lifestyle in the midst of our lives that were not healthy. When I asked them about what sport they train, their answer is almost the same everything, that doing fitness routine. They all do weight training and cardio, some even practicing yoga and martial arts.

So does weight training will not make a big woman's muscles? I answered NO. In normal women, they do not have high hormones testosterone, the high hormone in women is estrogen, not testosterone. Their skin does look more toned and refreshed. They look beautiful naturally, very different from my female friends who do skin care with medication.

It would not hurt you to obtain your natural beauty by doing fitness exercise. Beauty care with medication will only damage the skin in the future. When you've stopped using drugs, then your skin will be damaged, because I have a sister like that. Especially with the plastic surgery, it would have a higher risk, in addition to the costs involved would more expensive. Is not your goal is to stay young despite your age is old?

Friday, October 12, 2012

Some Unique Cases Due To Obesity

illustration of obesity

Accumulation of fat in the body, it will give the effect is not good for our body and cause obesity. Obesity gives us many terrible diseases. But who would have thought, that obesity may also affect a person's social life, and cause some adverse external effects. I found some unique cases doe to obesity, from Dailymail, ABC News, Huffingtonpost (4/10/2012):

The first case: Too fat to be a father

A father with a weight over 163 kilograms must be willing to lose custody of his two sons after a doctor told the court that he was too fat to be able to care for his children. This man did not want to be named. He's from Ottawa, Canada. He had to fight in court to be able to retain custody of his two sons aged 5 and 6 years old. He was also now have to undergo a weight loss program if he want to get custody.

The second case: Too fat to fly
from abcnews

Kenlie Tiggeman is a fat lady passenger who attracted media attention because in May she claimed that Southwest Airlines said she was too fat to fly. Now she was suing the airline.

The third case: Too fat to wear a wedding dress
from swns

Having set a date for her wedding day, a 31-year-old woman named Claire Donnelly was happy when choosing a wedding dress. He also ordered it in a boutique Design in Gloucester. But her heart was broken when a boutique worker said she was too big to wear a wedding dress.

The fourth case: Too fat to be cremated

A bodies of obesity has led to a fire that nearly destroyed a crematorium in Austria. Investigators believe that the fire was enlarged due to burn fat from a woman's body has a weight of nearly 200 kilograms, thus blocking filter filters the air that causes the system to overheat. Firefighters were able to control the fire, but the fire has caused considerable damage. Crematorium was closed for several days. Wow.

The fifth case: Families who are too fat to work
from dailymail

The weights of these 4 people, when combined can reach 527 kilograms. Philip Chawner (53 years old) and his wife Audrey (57 years), their weight more than 152 kilograms. While her daughter Samantha (21 years) over 114 kg and the youngest, Emma weighed 108 kilograms. They have not worked for 11 years and claimed that their weight is a hereditary condition. Whereas, this 'big family' is just spending time daily in front of the television.

Hopefully those of you who have problems with obesity, do not have similar problems. And I hope that you will consider to lose weight and start a healthy lifestyle. Start with simple steps to be healthy. :)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Whether Eating at Night Really Make You Fat

Eating At Night
Lots of people, especially women, who limit their dinner time. Most of them limit by not eating after 6:00 pm or 7:00 pm. Their purpose is in order to not to be fat. And this perception has already spread in the public. However, whether eating at night really make you fat? The answer is may be yes or may be not.

The reality is that our bodies can not distinguish the time between morning, noon or night. Our bodies simply respond with different activities we do. Of course, our activities are different from morning, noon, and night. For people under normal conditions, in the morning until noon is the time to do our main activity, while in the evening is our time to take a break. Whereas, there are people who work at night. By seeing the difference of this activity only, will be a differentiating factor in the time and our diet. If you work at night, of course you would need to eat to get the energy source.

The next Reality is during sleep were we also need energy. I have often said, that during sleep, the body will repair the damaged cells. Then, whence we get the raw materials to repair the cell if we do not eat? The ideal time we eat before bed, is 3 hours before bedtime. So those of you who sleep at 11 pm, it will be better if you eat at 8 pm. If you eat at 5 pm, and you do not eat anymore, certainly the reserve nutrients in the body will almost gone before your bedtime. And it would be better if you eat high-protein and high-fibre foods 3 hours before bedtime.

What happens in the body when you do not eat at night? Your body will break down protein found in muscle tissue and make it as an energy source. It will only make your body muscles become soft, so your body will be not tight, and you will look fatter.

Why you should eat 3 hours before bedtime? because it is the best time for the body to digest food. If you eat dinner and then go straight to bed, your body will not properly digest the food you just ate, and the undigested food will be stored as fat. THIS THING THAT CAUSES YOU TO BE FATTER. So, it would be the same for those who eat at 6 pm, and then immediately you go to sleep. If indeed you are tempted to eat before bed, eat foods high in protein and low in sugar, fats, oils, and carbohydrates. Fruits would be a better choice.

So, do not be afraid to eat in the night. I hope you can understand the above theory correctly. keep healthy. :)

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Herbal Stress Reliever

herbal plants as a stress reliever
Problems always come without permission, came suddenly at will, and when these problems become a heavy burden for us, it will cause stress. I once wrote some healthy activities that can be done to relieve stress, such as exercising or on vacation. However, what if we can not take the time to work out or vacation?

There are some herbs that can be used as a natural stress reliever, as published on Boldsky. This would be better if you consumes herbs, because it will give better effect to the health of the body, rather than taking stress reliever drugs, which may lead to addiction. There are some of the examples :

rosemary flower
The plant is known to be quite popular herb to relieve stress. Rosemary can be put into the food, beverage, or other purposes. Rosemary works by loosening tense muscles and it also will provide a relaxing effect on us. Therefore, many ancient Greek society using rosemary flower for their headdress.

Green Tea
a cup of green tea
This is my favorite herb, because the plant is most easily readily available at my place. In addition to having effects for diet and beauty, drinking a cup of green tea is a natural way to relieve stress. Amino acid thiamine in green tea is proven to reduce stress hormones. At least, drink up to 3-4 cups of green tea a day. Do not use excessive sugar, not using sugar would be better. Green tea also will support your success, when you're in the process of quitting smoking.
lavender flowers
Lavender flowers gives us an aroma therapy. The plant is often considered a super herb because it works on the hormonal system and stimulating the immune system. Therefore, a lot of products in the form of air freshener products and lotions, have a lavender scent. Some are even making tea with lavender raw materials.

Chamomile flowers
This plant is also commonly used as air freshener and cream. Chamomile also has a calming effect, and is also well used as aroma therapy. Cream with chamomile raw material, also can make our skin more radiant.

Sage plants
Sage plants can reduce tension and stress in a way that is amazing. In fact,  this herb can better in relieving stress than drugs. Sage works by relaxing the muscles and brain.

Therefore, avoid drugs to relieve stress, you better take the above herbs as an alternative to your stress reliever. And do not forget to be accompanied with healthy activities, such as regular exercise. This will give the effect of relieving stress in the longer term.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

How The Pattern of Exercise For Burning Fat

Exercise for burning fat
This question is also one of the most frequent questions I have come across. Many people who already exercise vigorously, to lose weight, but does not deliver results, and their weight is still not diminished. The first thing I emphasize is that must be disposed of to lose weight is FAT, not water or food you just ate.

I see lots of people who exercise hard, morning-noon-evening exercise, but does not give good results. Why is that?? Because they do not understand the concept. They just think, more frequent exercise, it will be easier to lose weight, although it was very painful. It would be too sad those who have a presumption like that.

The right exercise would make us happy and relieve stress, not the opposite. Then, how the pattern of exercise is good for burning fat?. The best exercise to burn fat is by doing cardio, but with notes, carbohydrates in our bodies is up, while doing cardio. Therefore, a very good time to do cardio is in the morning after waking up and before breakfast, because carbohydrates have been used as energy when we sleep.

However, what if we can not do it in the morning? I can only work out in the afternoon. Good question. If you exercise in the afternoon, you have to combine weight training with cardio. That is by doing weight training first, then ended it with cardio, either by treadmill, swimming or yoga.

"We do weight training before cardio", intended to make carbohydrates in our body burned as energy. Energy source used for weight training is carbohydrates, therefore, you are not encouraged to do weight training in the morning after waking up. Then after carbohydrates had been exhausted, then we do the cardio that use fat as an energy source. When our bodies still store carbohydrates, then cardio will use carbohydrates for energy. The fat will be used, when our primary energy sources are depleted.

You have to know the effective and appropriate ways to burn your fat. You have to do it regularly, at least 3 times in one week. Exercising for 1 hour at practice in the afternoon is a good time, with an estimated duration 40 minutes of weight training and 20 minutes of cardio exercise. And of course, do not forget the nutrients you eat. When your exercise is complete, immediately meet the needs of your water, and eat foods high in protein, to repair the muscle cells that you train during the exercise. Being healthy is not torture yourself.

Monday, October 8, 2012

How is Your Sleeping Position?

illustration of people sleeping
Sleep is a necessity for living things to rest from various activities. People takes 7-8 hours as the ideal time for sleep. Sleep is a time when the body's repair cells damaged by everyday activities. To that end, in addition to nutrients that must be considered, our position or our style while sleeping should be considered in order to obtain maximum benefit of sleep.

Like we are playing tennis, when we already have a complete equipment such as tennis clothes, tennis shoes, a good tennis racket. However, when we play, we are using the wrong technique to hit the ball, so it will make the game are not good, and the ball does not bounce well.

Yes, most of us are indifferent to our sleep style or position. Especially when our body is very tired, when we've met with the bed, it will be very nice to immediately close our eyes. However, we need to know, your sleeping position will affect what your body is doing during sleep.

1. Supine Position
Supine sleep position is the most commonly performed by people. Even this position is a position that is generally recommended. In practical terms, it was thought, that sleep in this position was very good for those who have back pain. Supine sleep position causes a person to breathe through his mouth, this position tends to make your mouth open because the jaw in relaxed conditions. The proper organs, and prepared to do the breathing, is the nose, because there is hair in the nose and mucous membrane that serves to filter and clean the incoming air.
Breathing through the mouth is usually done when a person develops asthma due to allergies, cold, or flu, especially in winter. In addition, breathing through the mouth also cause dry gums that can cause inflammation.
In the supine position, palate will prevent slit the back of the nasal cavity and respiratory tract, that is why we snore. When we woke up, our tongues will be filled by a layer of white that is not fair, and bad breath odor.

2. Tummy Position
Tummy sleep position is the worst position. This position will make your heart, lungs and stomach distress. This is what causes a person who sleep in tummy position, will feel shortness of breath for a few moments. This position will also lead to bone bent neck and collar bone and reproductive organs pressured into sleeping mats so this encourages someone to masturbate.
When someone is sleeping on tummy they would feel short of breath for a while because the magnitude of the burden of blocking backs chest muscle to contract while sucking and exhale. Difficulty in breathing during sleep facedown will result in the heart and brain fatigue. Times Magazine UK edition also contains the  results of the study about the increasing intensity of sudden death experienced by children during tummy sleep .
However, if you're forced to sleep in this position, I suggest using a pillow under your stomach and waist. Avoid using a pillow at the head or reduce the pillow's size, because it will push your neck.

3. Tilted Position
a) Tilted to The Left
Just like sleeping face down, sleep on his side to the left will burden the heart with your weight. At the same time, the heart is to pump blood. This will lead to cardiac fatigue which can be fatal in the long run. This position will also make the heart depressed by the right lung. The size of the right lung bigger than the left lung. If you press the heart, will certainly affect the function and slow down, especially in older people.
b) Tilted to The Right
"To right side sleeping position is the correct sleeping position and best." This position is the most successful medical practice. Sleep on your side to right has many benefits.
  • Resting the left brain. By tilted to the right sleep, then the left brain will be protected from the dangers arising from the circulation slows down during sleep / silence. This is important, because the left brain that regulates the activities of organs to the right, which generally becomes the dominant part in our daily activities.
  • Reduce the burden of heart. Sleep on right side makes the heart doesn't hit by other organs. Position a flat bed to the right, allowing the body fluids (blood) evenly distributed and concentrated on the right (bottom). This will cause the burden of blood flow in and out of the lower heart. The impact of this position is a slower heart rate, blood pressure will also decrease. This condition would Increasing the quality of sleep.
  • Resting the stomach. Human stomach shaped like a comma-shaped tube with the tip of the outlet valve into the intestines facing towards the bottom right. If someone is sleeping tilted to the left, so the expenditures of "chime" (food that has been digested by the stomach and mixed with stomach acid) will be slightly disturbed, it will slow down the emptying of the stomach.
  • Improve gallbladder emptying and pancreatic. The existence of a smooth flow chime will cause bile output also increased, this will prevent the formation of gall bladder stones. Pancreatic lymph output will also increase with the tilted to the right position.
  • Increase nutrient absorption time. During sleep, the movements of bowel will increase. With this position, the food's trip that has been digested and ready to be absorbed will be longer, this is due, the position of the small intestine to the large intestine is below. Periods of time during sleep may allow optimal absorption.
  • Stimulate bowel movements. By sleeping tilted to the right, process of filling the sigmoid colon (before the anus) would be quickly filled. If it is full, it will stimulate bowel movement followed by relaxation of the anal muscles so it make easier the defecation.
  • Maintaining healthy lungs. The left lung is smaller than the right lung. If you sleep on your right side, the heart will be skewed to the right. This is not a problem because the right lung bigger. Another case when resting on the left side, the heart will press the left lung are small, of course this is not very good.
  • Keeping the respiratory tract. Tilted sleep to the right will prevent the tongue falling to the base of which can interfere with the respiratory tract. Supine sleep position, will make us snore. Even sometimes can lead to cessation of breathing for a few seconds that will wake you from sleep. This situation would make us wake up with the state of dizziness due to lack of oxygen to the brain. Obviously this is very disturbing quality of sleep.
But in reality, each person shifting their position during sleep. Your early sleep position may be different from when you wake up. The change of position was reasonable, as long as not excessive. To reduce the change of position so often that harm your body, use a soft cushion and hard enough and clean bed linen or badcover so as not to cause itching. Protect yourself from the attacks of insects, such as mosquitoes, and don't forget to pray before sleep. :)

Friday, October 5, 2012

Break Away From Smoking With Exercise

break away from cigarettes with exercise
Anyone knows that smoking is not good for health. Heart disease, lung disease, cancer, impotence, sleep disorders and other adverse effects. In fact, ironically, smokers know that their activities were not good for their health. I am not here to explain how smoking can be harmful to your body, you can get easily the dangers of smoking from many websites.

In my country, there are so many people who become smokers, because cigarettes sold so freely, even a children under the age could easily get it, that is sad. Smoking is believed can relieve stress, this is what makes many people become smokers. Maybe some people really feel the cigarette to relieve stress, but "smoking is addictive". If we deal with stress, we definitely want to smoke, want it and want it again. Even if they do not smoke, they feel something is missing from their life. That is a sad presumption. What if you do not smoke, whether you will easier to die if you do not smoke? not just the opposite?.

In the past, i had been a smoker. Just like most people, the goal I smoke is to relieve my stress, not only for lifestyle just like the majority of young people today. When I start to feel stressed, which was in my mind is smoking. Whereas on the other hand, I have had lung disease. Yes indeed smoking provide stress relief effect on me, but the good effect was only momentary, it give me more  bad effects. Became difficult to sleep (insomnia) in the night is the effect I felt. When we have an irregular sleep, then the chances of our stress levels will be higher. And when we feel stress, definitely sought is smoking.

That bit of my story, when I was still smoking. So what motivates me to be totally separated from the "tobacco"?. What is clear, there must be a desire from within ourselves first. However, That really became a powerful tool to break away from smoking, is by exercising. I often discuss, exercise can relieve stress.  Starting from that idea, then I make exercise as a substitute for cigarettes. At that time, jogging or running be my options as a substitute for stress reliever, and this sport is still the most powerful stress reliever for me.

If previously you rarely exercise, the first time you exercise will definitely feel the negative effects of cigarettes that you consume during this time, respiratory factor that you will surely feel. However, little by little it would have gradually getting well. I'm not suggesting you should exercise jogging or running. Whatever type of exercise that you like, do it. Whether basketball, tennis, soccer, swimming, cycling and others.

For those of you who use cigarettes as a stress reliever, it's better that immediately change your habits. Make exercise as a substitute for cigarettes to relieve stress. Stress relieving effects given by cigarettes only for a moment and have an effect tail more negative. Meanwhile, stress relievers offered by sport, obviously has a great effect on our health. You would be better be a sport addict than cigarette addict, wouldn't you?. Always remember that health is our precious treasure.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Running Safely and Correctly

jogging or running together
Running or jogging is cardio exercise favorite of many people. Sports that rely on your feet as a footstool, it is better to lose weight, burn fat, and relieve stress. Running or jogging is a sport that is also cheap and easy to do, just takes a long trajectory in the form of roads, can also be done in the field. Moreover, there are many cities around the world to implement the "car free day", like where I live, every Sunday at 05.00am - 09.00am. This could be a facility to make jogging track, uninterrupted with motor vehicle traffic.

However, although this sport looks easy to do, but often we forget the factors that support our security, the rule of running safely and correctly. Thus, many people often feel pain after jogging or running, even not uncommon that also injured. It is very important to consider several things that support our security before, during, and after the run.

1. Use the correct shoes. 
Use the right shoes for running, use the athletic shoes, do not use soccer shoes for jogging. Check also that your running shoes still fit for use or not, if the footwear have potholes, you better replace it with a new one. Do not forget to use socks as well so as not to cause blisters on the feet. Use shoes that fit the size of your feet, and you feel comfortable wearing them.

2. Eat a few hours before running. 
Choose slow absorption foods, so that will supply your body with energy for the next few hours, and just before exercise. But if you want to eat near the time before the run, eat rapidly absorbed carbohydrates such as bananas. Unlike the case if you run in the morning, you better not eat before running, to burn fat.

3. Stay Hydrated
When we run, it will be a lot of body fluids are lost. However, it has spread the myth that drinking water will only cause cramps. Cramps can be treated promptly with how to breathe deeply through your mouth or a good warm up before running. It is important to keep sufficient water in the body. Drink water before, during, and after exercise to prevent dehydration. If you ran for 1 hour, drink isotonic drinks after the run.

4. Warm up and stretch before running. 
When running or jogging, the first is to warm up and do it with ease. Start your running or jogging slowly walking first and then slowly add the speed until a constant conditions, do not immediately step on the gas to run fast. When stopped, too, gradually reduce your speed to a stop. This is to avoid a shock to your muscles. And most importantly, not to do many stops or walking during the middle of jogging, this will only make you feel more tired.

5. Watch Your Posture. 
The attitude and the correct body position will also prevent you from the risk of injury. Do not run with an upright body position, when you run, your body should be leaning forward. Do not land with the heel, but stepping with your foot. And do not do overstriding, that mean you lengthen step when running, so the heel will hit the ground first, followed by a full foot landing. It will look effective to increase your running speed, but in reality it will only slow down your pace. This movement can also cause injury to your feet. Therefore, pay attention to the way you run until you run a natural movement. Keep your steps to stay balanced and stay close to the soil surface.

6. Notice your breathing pattern. 
Arrange your breathing while running, so oxygen can get in on a regular basis. Breathe in through your nose and out the air through the mouth, take a deep breath and slowly remove it.

7. Do not run excessive exercise or overtraining. 
Our bodies need adequate rest for recovery. Adequate rest for recovery has a great influence on the speed and strength in running. Running every day and the distance is too far can result in injury. If you want to do long-distance running, start with shorter distances first and then add your running distance gradually. Give your feet a day to rest.

Running or jogging is a sport that is cheap, but it would be dangerous if you forget the safety factors, because I have ever had a bad experience, so it's important to keep running safely and correctly. Please consider the above factors and I believe you will get the maximum benefit from jogging and running for health. Keep healthy.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Healthy Ways to Relieve Stress

stress affects our health
Stress is the emotional and physical strain caused by our response to pressure from the outside world. Stress seems to be a part of our lives that are difficult to avoid, especially for those of us who live big city. A solid routine, traffic jam, high work pressure, a short deadline work, romance issues, financial issues, phobia of something, and many more things that cause stress. Prolonged stress can also affect health, both physical and mental health.

And sometimes we do a variety of ways to relieve the stress, but most of us are relieving with stress in ways that are not healthy, such as smoking, drinking alkhohol, or take it out with a lot of eating, also called "emotional eating". These methods only have a momentary effect in relieving stress, and it adds an adverse effect on our body. We should know that there are many healthy ways to relieve stress.
  • Exercise. Cardio become my favorite sports to relieve stress. Jogging, cycling, swimming, or playing football is an example of a fun exercise to relieve stress on the head. Whatever your favorite sport, do it right away if your stress begin to descend
  • Meditation or yoga. This method is also one of my favorite ways. Maybe meditation or yoga are unpopular with the public. Meditation is not difficult, but it was not exactly easy. The essence of meditation practice is to manage our breathing, and circulation of oxygen going to the brain, it will certainly reduce our stress loads. Meditation will spur our thoughts become more positive
  • Immediately clean yourself. When you come home from work, and the condition of the brain is overwhelmed with work, get to the bathroom, take a bath and clean yourself. This will make yourself become more fresh. Go to the salon for a spa can also be an alternative.
  • After you take a bath and body refreshed. Immediately rest, adequate sleep will also affect your mental health. make sure to sleep 7-8 hours at night. And try to get up early, do not oversleep.
  • Go to a fun recreation. Go on a vacation to a place that you like. Look for leisure or weekend. Nature recreation is my favorite place to take a load off my mind. You can take a vacation with friends, family or even alone.  Aloof, sometimes also a way to forget all the stresses in life
  • Watching movies or listening to music. Watch comedies that make you laugh, or listen to music that is fun. Do not watch the movie and the song contains sadness, this will only add to your stress. hehehe
  • And the way that I think is the most powerful, is hanging out with your friends. Gathered, talking, joking with our comrades will be an effective way to relieve stress. With notes, hanging out with friends and doing positive activities. Do not get together then just get drunk.
If you are experiencing severe stress and prolonged, and the above methods can not help to reduce it, I suggest contacting a psychiatrist. Don't underestimate the stress. However, if we take immediate action when stress comes to attack, I believe stress can be easily overcome. So, just leave your bad habits to relieve stress, change in ways that are more healthy to get a better quality of life.